Disengage the B.S.Before you become it.
Waking up to a rainy quiet day in my birth place, [Detroit,mi]. Sitting here wondering how special we humans are to one another. Lately for me, I feel we are not that special, maybe to the creator, which also is questionable at this time. But definitely (not) to one another, this I don't believe at this time, at all! Hence fourth the title of this chapter;fairy tales. Let me attempt to explain.I remember a time long ago when I, with several friends, would walk in this heavily treed park called (Belle Isle). We always entered where the( no tress passing) signs were posted. Of course we would get lost, while doing so. My reason for playing that time in my life,at this to prove a point, to you the reader,about my chosen title...(fairytale).
Every time we would walk, through those forbidden woods,we would get Time ,we would find a way back to our starting position, and scurry out in delight. Now that I'm older and not as naive as back then. I believe we are never really lost. Or found. Just here,until we are not. So what does this mean? We are all, that we are...period. Never really amounting to anything we can really call ours. Nothing leaves here, everything Be witnessed over and over again and again. Why?
Stare closely at the lines and circles that intercept
each other in your hands, what do they say?
How long did it take for the patterns you feel
to remind you of many places...far far away?
Theirs a vastness unseen,yet dangerously near,
to all with a breath or a pulse.
We chose to engage, with vainglorious fear,
that lacks vision, or favor, from hospes.
To say all life was born from a lie,
can only mean,truth, must first die.
Dirt back to dirt is our task in the present.
Souls back to spirit,we become omni-presence!
Seek knowledge were told, by every vibration we pass,
to what end is this task, when we all turn to ash?
Wind will be wind! Water will be water!
Life never needed, father!Mother!Son! Or daughter!
Just ring worms.
Author Notes
Ringworm; is an itchy contagious fungal infection that
we must strive to mimic for our survival, quickly!