- Dolly by Debi Pick Marquette
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Dumb Blonde Jokes
Dolly by Debi Pick Marquette
    Clerihew Contest Winner 

Those dumb blonde jokes are made in fun

But dumb or blonde, she's neither one

These boobs may be what she prefers

But naturally, they are not hers

Writing Prompt
A Clerihew is a silly or humorous poem about a famous person:

*four lines
*rhyme scheme of AABB
*one stanza

Clerihew poems are funny and they often involve word play. The poems generally lack a recognizable meter which adds to the lighthearted and sometimes silly tone.


Geoffrey Chaucer

Took a bath (in a saucer)

In consequence of certain hints

Dropped by the Black Prince.

~~~by Edmund Clerihew Bently
Contest Winner


Author Notes
Image by Pinterest


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