Make it go away, I pray, As I lay, Dying in pain
My life wasting away, Color starting to fade, Age and decay
Dreaming of sleep, Dreaming of dreams that no longer come
Beauty and wonder gone
Just pain all-consuming, Suffering alone, Pushing everyone away
Karma they say, Drowning in pain each day
Can’t catch a break
It’s a curse, Until I’m buried beneath earth
April today, will I make it to May
The pain stays, I pray, Please make it go away
I want to be done, Longing to move on
Where will I go, One day I hope to know
More pain, Every day, Time to let go
Leaving behind a life of disaster
No more time passing by, No more sleepless nights
No more hell when I wake
Peace flooding through me with the blood in my veins
Joy all-consuming, No more misery
I am not alone, The lord will guide me home
Refuge that I seek is closer than I think
Time for healing, Time to live a life with grace
Eyes open, Moving at a steady pace
A chance to begin again, Rising from the ashes, Waking to new chances
Letting go of what can’t be changed, While growing within
I am strong, I live on
Strength when I feel weak, Courage when I’m afraid
One day, No longer consumed by pain
Love has brought relief, Through love I am found
Each day to pass love on, Fresh air to breathe in, Exhale the pain is gone
Longing to live on, Knowing that I’m not alone
Feeling safe at home, Trusting what’s unknown
Pain gone in the wind, Finding peace within
New life to begin, In life I can win
Love shining down in rays, Stronger each day, With every breath I take
Oh what a dream, To live without pain
Oh the moves I’ll make, Excited to live each day
Enjoying what I enjoy, Loving a life living, Taking in each moment
Being more aware, No longer wishing for an end
Time to begin, A life without pain
Answers to what I’ve prayed, Full of joy every day
No more pain whisking time away, It is this that I pray
Maybe… one day, A day without pain, Oh what a day
I beg, I want to lay, No longer in pain
To make the most of each day, Will this day ever come, Will this life ever begin
You don’t know me, It is pain I became
I am not defeated, Frozen as I stand, Finding strength, I press on
Rebuilding my life after it came crashing down, Rubble all around
Astronomical disaster
I am resilient, I survive
I laugh more than I cry, I am healing
I am finding joy, I’m afraid but I am brave, I feel weak but I am strong
I’ve been beat down, but I live on
Because of love, I move on
Greater things to come, I may have lost some
But I keep my faith, Every stride I make, Each step I take, Better than before
Life is a blessing, The greatest gift given, To live
I was lost, But I’ve been found, The lord is my savior
I am not a victim of life that’s happened, I am a survivor of the life I am living
Step out of the shadow I had become, I am rebuilding, Up and down as time moves on
A life worth living, Better each morning, I am not mad, But I am not numb
I was torn up inside, Knife twisting around
Broken to pieces I pick up off the ground
Still holding on, Stable for now, Hoping for forever
I pray for better days, Cleansed of pain
Living a life worth living, Days made for the taking
Future to be found, Each breath a blessing
A chance to make a past worth knowing