This task demands a balanced view,
asymmetry is nothing new.
The scales which weigh one's cuteness might
best favour neither left nor right.
If tipped to starboard or to port
they'll find your beauty comes up short.
That makes, for me, a mighty task,
to face the world a real big ask.
Because, whichever way you try
to view my face it seems awry.
My left cheek's longer than my right
(unless you peer in darkest night!)
What's more, my ears provoke the call:
"one high, one low, one large, one small."
My fleshy lips droop on one side
a relic of the stroke which tried
to take my life this time last year,
bequeathing me this twisted leer.
My irises contrast in hue,
one chestnut brown the other blue.
The pupil on my right gapes wide,
contracted on the other side.
A bushy eyebrow on the left
disdains the right, of hair bereft.
My earnest plea to those of you
who find my features hard to view:
"please don't appraise me by my looks,
by covers never judge your books."
I hope if you embrace my whole
you'll find I'm quite a jolly soul!