- Sally's in the Hospitalby Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level
Rhonda's Husband is Very Sick
Sally's in the Hospital by Debi Pick Marquette

Sally's in the Hospital With Blood Clots

Our Sally's in the hospital 

For prayer, I'll make a heartfelt call

They're pulmonary heart blood clots

And she needs our prayers mega~lots

There's evidence of right heart strain

Good thing she's not in too much pain

Today they gave her many scans

Hope they don't make her use bed pans :  )

For longer I pray she stays put

The clots came from her fractured foot

For breathing, lungs, her heart and chest

Please, also pray for healing rest


Rhonda's Husband, Wayne is very Sick 

Our Rhonda's husband's very sick

He should be hospitalized quick

The hospital is full and strict

He needs something to do the trick 

He just had Covid; it won't quit

A harsh fever that will not split

 Infection on his chest would sit

And now he can't get rid of it

So, friends with compassion and care

I beg you one more time for prayer

For Wayne who's home and resting there

Let us all pray and then please share


Author Notes
It was necessary to put both poems in same post, as I have a birthday one to do tomorrow and I know they wouldn't allow three in a 24 hour period.

For the bedpan line, I think Sally would be disappointed if I didn't have any humor


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