- Halloween Blizzardby Debi Pick Marquette
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It was worse than we thought
Halloween Blizzard by Debi Pick Marquette
A Good Idea writing prompt entry

It seemed like a good idea at the time. It wasn't snowing as hard when we left home. I gripped the steering wheel as I hit each drift. It was the last year Annie could trick or treat as next year was 7th grade. So, I hated to see her miss because of a little snow. But it started snowing much harder, so, while waiting for her, I turned on the local radio station to hear the forecast and they said the surprise Halloween blizzard of the century was over and named casualties.
Our names were on that list. 

Writing Prompt
Start your story with the sentence:
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
*100 words max
*fiction or nonfiction
*any genre
*no poetry


Author Notes
This was all true except my daughter's name and obviously the ending.
Which was meant to be a Twilight Zone type ending.


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