- Attendant Hazelby Douglas Goff
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Suspicions grow.
Murder At The Berkshire
: Attendant Hazel by Douglas Goff


With Hattie being alone and her children living out of state, the older daughter placed her in a home for the elderly. Unfortunately, she finds herself even more lonely surrounded by people. When Hattie learns of the mysterious death of Mr. Howell up on the fourth floor, she decides to look into it. The ladies create the Senior Sleuth Society. They decide they need to visit Room 413, where Mr. Howell died. There, they discovered an earring. Hattie's investigation didn't make Director Chapman happy.


"What gives?" Joy stared at Hattie who merely looked forward. Both women were sitting in the third floor attendant's office.

"Nothing gives."

"Come on, Hattie. You haven't been the same since Art's visit last night. I should have stayed and chaperoned." Jubilee Joy giggled. "Did you two bump uglies?"

"Bump what?"

"Dance the light fandango? Knock boots? Squeak the bed springs? Park the car in the ol' garage?" Joy looked positively giddy.

Oh my goodness, Joy, let it rest. Nothing happened." Hattie had an ever-so-slight smile on her face.

"Nothing happened, huh?" Joy frowned. "Well, 'something most certainly did happen' is written all over your face, my dear."

"Whatever happened last night, I certainly wouldn't share it with the biggest gossiper in the facility." Hattie shrugged.

"Muwah?" Joy did a poor job of feigning looking offended.

"Yes, you." Hattie giggled. "Besides, a proper lady doesn't kiss and tell."

"Oh my goodness, Hattie. I knew it! You snoodled Art Antica!" Joy clapped her hands.

"You mean Art Romantica?" Hattie had to laugh. "Besides, I didn't snoodle anyone."

Just then, Attendant Hazel walked in, interrupting their fun. "So what did you two ladies want to see me about?"

She pushed a tin of homemade chocolate covered cherries across the desk after taking her seat. The desk was covered with various paperwork and several paperback novels. Most were harlequins, along with a murder mystery titled What Lies Beneath The Lilies. The author was annotated as Cora Black.

"We just wanted to see how you were doing. We heard that you took the death of Mr. Howell particularly hard," Joy blurted out.

Apparently Joy didn't understand what I had meant by 'subtle'. Hattie grabbed a chocolate cherry and shoved it into joy's mouth. "What my friend Joy means is, we just wanted to get to know you better."

"Okay ladies, is this about the rumors that Phil and Edgar had the hots for me? Because that is complete nonsense. I'm a professional." She sighed, then continued, "I mean, they were both vying for my attention, but in a purely platonic sort of way. It was cute. But that was it."

"Did you notice any jealousy between Phil and Edgar?" Hattie questioned.

"Of course not. They were friends. I mean, we all played Rummy together." Hazel studied the pair.

Joy went to speak, but Hattie handed her another chocolate covered cherry, silencing the eager woman.

"Had you seen Edgar the night he was killed?" Hattie continued with her questioning.

"No, the last I saw him was two days before his death." Hazel sighed. "Wish I could have said goodbye. I had no idea he was going to remember me in his will. Guess he had no living family members. Anyways, it's getting late ladies. I have to deliver some meds before bedtime."

Joy went to speak, but Hattie simply slipped her another cherry, continuing, "Of course. We'll get out of your hair, but I do have one more question."

"Shoot." Hazel rose and turned to grab the medicine tray from a small table behind her while Hattie quickly reached her hand onto the desk and then withdrew it equally as quickly, but now her fingers were wrapped around a folded piece of paper.

Hattie stared hard at Joy until she looked at her, then glanced down at her hands. When Joy's eyes followed, she saw Hattie was holding a paper with the word 'Last Will and Testimony' at the top. After Joy got a look, Hattie nonchalantly shoved into her black knee-high sock.

"Question?" Hazel turned back around with the tray in her hands. "I thought you had one more?"

"Is this yours?" Hattie set the gold and diamond earring they had found in Room 413 on the desk in front of the woman.

"Oh goodness, that's my lost earring. Wherever did you find it?" Hazel smiled.

"On the floor." Hattie was intentionally vague.

"You know, I lost it the night Edgar died." The attendant took on a distant look, as if she were remember something. Then she snapped out of it, saying, "Oh yes, one more thing. Director Chapman called me down to his office yesterday. He requested strongly that I ensure you ladies are in your own rooms by 'lights out'. It's a safety issue."

"Safety issue?" Joy frowned. "I thought we were all adults here."

"Look, he's my boss and we all get along well on this floor. Can you just do it for me?" Hazel shrugged. "No more secret late night meetings?"

Hattie smiled. "Of course, Miss Hazel."

Thus ended the meeting with Attendant Hazel.


Key Residents
Hattie May Hatfield-New resident who used to be an author
Katherinne Beck-Chatty Kathy, a resident who talks constantly
Jubilee Joy-Bubbly lady
Narcoleptic Nelly-Plump, purple-fashioned lady, who falls asleep
Art Antica-A cold, but cute resident
Jerk Beefy-An amorous sleazy resident
Moaning Lisa-Jerk Beefy's girlfriend
Narcissistic Nancy-Pretty lady who loves the mirror
Lesser Residents
Grumpy Gus-A cranky, very old residents
Barfett-a slovenly resident who eats sloppy
Windy Wendy-A resident who constantly passes gas
Pharmacuetical Phil Barnes-Supplies pills to the male residents

Harold Chapman-Pencil pushing Berkshire Director
SUSPECT Debra-The Berkshire Nurse
SUSPECT Mrs. Janice Cooley-Attendant
SUSPECT Harvey Marsh- Attendant
SUSPECT Becky Hazel- Attendant
SUSPECT Jimmy Williams-Attendant
SUSPECT Carmen Marsala-Attendant
SUSPECT Bill Henderson-Maintenance Man

Edward Howell-Sent to the 4th floor, then suspiciously died
Paul Hatfield-Hattie's deceased police detective husband
Sarah Hatfield-Hattie's oldest daughter
Detective Steele-Hattie's deceased husband's old partner
Marcy-Narcisistic Nancy's sister


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