- What are morals?by royowen
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A poem
What are morals? by royowen

Morality has gone astray,
and now there is a price to pay.
There is no helm to guide the ship,
it now approaches chasm's lip.

For men reject the Captain's ways
confusion reigns as night rules days
Where once faith's sun would shine its rays
the mists of doubt send clouded haze.

The world today betrays the past,
new rules produced, the die is cast.
Those ancient laws have been dismissed
destruction's ways cause rafts to list.

Once love thy neighbour covered all,
it's trumpet blast blew wisdom's call,
So why do men think these new rules
make wise those folk who once were fools.

R.Owen 2/09/2024


Author Notes
Love the Lord and love thy neighbour have always been the answer to covering every law or rule conceived, now they think that political correctness is the wiser way. But love covers all, it is the heart that is the problem, no law can ever top love, it sits above the law.
Look around the world, it is slipping into the mire that it was supposedly conceived from. Evolution suggests the world goes from to disorder to order
but only a fool would believe that.

Matthew 22:37-39
Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.

Thanks for reading. R.Owen


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