- Depressionby Cecilia A Heiskary
This poem describes how depression makes a person feel
Depression by Cecilia A Heiskary
Free Form Poetry Contest contest entry
Artwork by cleo85 at

Deep, dark mood
Feelings of despair
No light in sight
Hopelessness and sadness
Fall farther into darkness
Feeling helpless and anxious
No sight in end
Give up or fight?
Put on a false smile
Pretending you're okay
The pain of the situation
Reaches far inside
Alone the dark thoughts get darker
A tear trickles from an eye
Nobody understands the feelings inside
All alone with a room full of people
Depression doesn't discriminate
Young, old, rich, or poor
It sucks your life away
The struggle is real
People tell you to get over it
Tomorrows another day
They don't understand 
The fight inside
You've made it one more day
Try again tomorrow
One day at a time
It's got to get better
The struggle is real
Depression sucks your life away
You toy with your options
Fight or die?

Author Notes
Depression is still taboo to talk about today. However, struggling with it for over 40 years I am not ashamed to talk about it. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain and unfortunately it's genetic. I have been on the brink where this poem goes and it's no fun. Through medication management I am doing fine today.


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