In the middle of the night,
with no one in sight,
a verbal vision came unto me
declaring "God Lives"
and loves me so much
He meets my every need.
A nose to breathe the air He gives.
A mouth to nourish myself...
to savor flavors only He produces;
though some will argue they do too,
if they have the mindset, yet
it was done under the auspices
of a mind which He refined.
With eyes to see 'abounding' beauty.
Grass so green, and trees so tall
waving in a breeze neath His control...
with colors that extend beyond
far-flung rainbows overflowing
with pots of gold, silver, and more
riches than one can imagine.
And with my ears, I hear
babies laugh, which makes me glad,
as well as cries that make me sad,
perhaps to gain attention,
to meet a need, ease a pain,
or simply wanting to be held close.
Could such howls, subtlely be,
a child's prayer, akin
to our supplications asking
for additional favors?
I don't know why
such thoughts came to me
in the middle of the night,
with no one in sight, perhaps,
because of the unconditional love
shown by brethren and sisters
echoing their eldest Brother,
in removing a copse of fallen trees,
like Jesus did in expunging sin
as we commit to "Come Unto Him."
This is my testimony in Christ's Holy name.