- The Ponyfish - a Seahorse Taleby tfawcus
A book launch
The Ponyfish - a Seahorse Tale by tfawcus

The Ponyfish, a seahorse tale,
is now for sale. Yes! Now for sale
on Amazon (the holy grail),
in Kindle and in paperback
but not in Braille, alas, alack.
The hero goes by name of Ant;
his romance skills are somewhat scant.
The book contains a homeless lass
with sea-green hair and heaps of sass,
a mophead dog that sometimes stinks,
a gorgeous girl whom some call Winks,
and others that you’ll like, methinks.
I’ve cast my line—so take my hook!
It sure is worth a second look.



Author Notes
Some of you may remember The Ponyfish, a contemporary romance that I posted on FanStory between April 2021 and April 2022. After a good deal of re-writing and extensive editing, I have finally published it. short link to Author Page:

The revised version has been cut by a third, leaving a tighter and more cohesive central plot and a more sharply drawn central character. Antony Byrne is a qualified marine biologist. He is passionate about seahorse conservation and is weaving his knowledge into a fantastical tale called The Ponyfish. However, events and people conspire to upend his world. These include Dorrie, a homeless girl with sea green hair, a stray dog called Mophead, and Winks, a photographer whose honeyed tones turn his legs to jelly. Several First Nations characters also play an important role. For those of you who might be interested in reading the final version, it is now available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format.

I have also recently published Panpipes, a thriller set in Thailand; The Dreamer, a humorous piece of metafiction; and a compilation called A Sri Lankan Tale and other stories. This flurry of activity explains my recent absence from FanStory.

Many thanks to all of you who have engaged with my various endeavours. I would never have persevered with half of them without your encouragement and support.


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