These dates in my December poem
They're famous dates for you at home
They made the world a better place
Or wishes for familiar face
It was 12- 2 that freedom waves
Abolishment for all the slaves
And on the 3rd, important still
Computer literacy skill
3rd ~ disabilities to end
And 4th is for a special friend
December 5th for volunteers
The 6th, microwave 80 years
The 7th, Armed Forces and Flag
10th - human rights deserve to brag
11th is UNICEF Day
No better time~ for LOVE to Pay
On 13th for our Willie Smith
For his birthday we'll hang out with
Year 49 for Jack and Sal
Next year is Gold for our sweet Pal
A birthday fest, 14th will be
For our Chef, John, JMDG
The 21st Winter, not Fall
Another birthday ~ friend to all
The 22nd day for Math
And Human Rights march on its path
The 24th for Eean Black
His birthday/plus gives great feedback
12/24 is Christmas Eve
Before the Gift we'd all receive
And 25th, on Christmas morn
Our Savior, Jesus Christ was born
The 27th should be flared
For Epidemics be prepared
The 31st, I do believe
The last day, month and year will leave
Because it will be New Year's Eve
So hopeful next one's filled with cheer
When we'll wish all Happy New Year