- Fantasyland by Cbax33
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Inspired by the imagination
Fantasyland by Cbax33
Rhyming poem for a child. writing prompt entry
Artwork by seshadri_sreenivasan at

Rainbow colors bold and bright,
Spread across this land both day and night

Where fairy’s dance and unicorns sway,
join us in Fantasyland right this way.
There are funny things to find in this land,
just look around you’ll understand. 
Here you will see red lollipop trees,
orange soda rivers and blue bumblebees. 
Chocolate waterfalls with sprinkle rocks,
bright colored fish and an octopus wearing socks.
Mermaids swimming with rainbow hair,
a singing old snail and a dancing bear. 
The sunshine is purple and the moon is white,
there is music all day and playing all night. 
Yes Fantasyland is a fun place to go,
but it’s got a secret, do you want to know?
Fantasyland is whatever you want it to be,
let your imagination run wild and you will see.
So just close your eyes and enjoy the view, 
for Fantasyland can’t wait to welcome you.  


Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem, any length or style, that a child would enjoy.


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