- Beau, the bachelorby tempeste
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animal , short, horror
Beau, the bachelor by tempeste
3 Words In A Poem writing prompt entry

Having reached the status
of bachelor, Beau had been
kicked out of his pride.

Now living the life of a nomad

the ANIMAL was in search of a comrade,
another young male,
another loner . 

Beau, the wanderer
wanted to be a conqueror
and in two or more he knew
he had a better chance
not only to survive but to thrive
and to see his dreams come true.

He dreamed one day
to win in battle a pride
become a proud dad,
be one who knew how
to protect and provide.

But sadly it was not meant to be
for during the last hunt he took
a deadly blow, from his guts blood flowed;
his life cut SHORT by an ill-tempered buffalo.

As he took his last breath
some tourists watched in HORROR,
others, unfazed, took photos
while in a frenzy
a pack of wild dogs
torn Beau apart.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type. These three words must be included in the poem: animal - horror - short

Author Notes
Unlike big cats, wild dogs do not suffocate their prey before eating it. The misfortunate victims are eaten alive.

Wild dogs hunt in big packs, but a single dog is not strong enough to suffocate big game, so they overcome the prey by biting it from all angles.

It's a gruesome death and horrific to watch.


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