- Now That You're Boogienights
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My heart barely beats
Now That You're Gone... by Boogienights
Unrequited love writing prompt entry

As the cool breeze stirs the curtains,
my hand reaches out for you.
But I wake up with you still gone,
there is nothing I can do.
Has only just a day gone by
since you cut my heart in two?
The love you felt has disappeared,
leaving me with endless rue.
Your ring's on the bedside table,
placed there from the night before.
Thinking of the years I've wasted
hurts me deeply to my core.
If tears could mend my wounded heart, it would have healed by now....
For I have cried a river,
but the pain's still there somehow.
Memories will haunt my daydreams,
I will find no peace at night.
For the scent of you still lingers,
nothing in this world seems right.
Now I face a lonely future,
for my love for you won't die.
Maybe someday I can kill it?
To myself, again, I lie.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem about a love that failed.


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