I took no note of girls being different than boys
until arriving at school at the age of nine
where Ms Heintzman stood in five-inch heels
radianting elongated calves ever so fine.
Heck. I didn't even know what a calf was til then.
She stood as tall as the Eiffel Tower
in a satin green dress accenting her eyes
and her smile glistened like sunshine
off the river Nile sans any crocodiles.
My jaw dropped towards the floor.
and sweat poured from my brow.
My belly quivered like jelly
causing me to let out a yowl,
and the boy that I was
was no more for a new guy
stood atop of his desk
thumping his chest
just as Tarzan would
and at that moment
gladly became
the teacher's pet.
Author Notes
My wife was re-enacting olden days in a fifth grade class when I stopped by, and on the right a pair a legs I snapped in Paris 2014, if I recall correctly or.. something found on Pexels.
The story is true... I cannot tell a lie, but I do exagerate a wee bit now and then.