- Over-the-Fenceby jlsavell
This work has reached the exceptional level
a whimsical tale with a moral
Over-the-Fence by jlsavell

Long has it been since hearing the latest news on my street 
Morning coffee on the brew, dirty laundry in the bin
Children off to school and not an urgent deadline to meet
Kitchen table set for two, me and Ms.Tell-a-real-spin
Always enlightened by this whispering neighbor next door
I could rely on her juicy tidbits to fill my ears
After all, it was important to learn of Mr. Moore;
for he and Mrs. Wiggle Waggle had dated for many years
Then there was old man Snoop that lived on the east corner lot,
and sweet lone Miss Chatterbean that closed all of her curtains;
 for Lady Prattle with her pink poodle loved to peek a lot
But Mr. Snoop caught Prattle with Moore, that is for certain
This news account I learned last week from Ms. Tell-a-real-spin,
and now I just can't wait for the scoop on Spinster Hearsay
Anxiously I open the door," Oh please do come in.
Coffee's on the brew, sit right down Meddle, I've got all day!"
She straightened her hair, set down her purse, grinned and took a seat
 " Jimi girl, what's up, you have a look in your eye?" she inquired 
I said "Oh really, does it show? I met him on retreat
 So husky, he takes my breath away and makes me quite tired
For he's quite young and energetic, keeps me on my toes
The kids will adore him and I just know he'll love them too
So late today he's moving in with us, I'm so gung-ho
But enough about my life, what's Hearsay going to do?"
She snickered in her usual way and began to speak
"Well little Scuttlebutt told me that Snoop is at it again
He and Miss Spinster Hearsay were observed kissing last week;
while Snoop's wife Blather was seen with Mr. Moore at the Inn
Now Ms. Wiggle Waggle is sad and tried to take her life
and Lady Prattle is rattled, she told Queen Dish Chatter
that Rumor is blabbing that Blab's the crux of all this strife
But now Blab's Gossip is investigating the matter!"
Impressed that Ms.Tell-a-real-spin could banter such a spell
I bid her to have a good day, thanked her for coming over
I so wanted to call Idle Talk and Tabby Taletell;
but first I had to go get my new-found canine, Rover
Returning home I noticed the neighbors all together 
Looking my way I observed Scandalmonger and old Prate
" I just heard Jimi is moving someone in,"  said Blether 
"Moving someone in so soon, you'd think she'd at least date!"
Surprised and saddened that my neighbors would judge me this way
I ignored the chitchat and set out to explain on blog
Logging in as Talebearer, found Meddle had much to say;
for I have found a man for my bed. What? No it's a dog!
I responded with an angered reply, "Shame, shame on you!"
Parrot Tattle and Bad-mouth Scandalmonger wrote me back
' Well don't blame us, Ms Tell-a-real-spin said it was all true
Your young man was feisty and left you breathless in the sack!'
I reminded them that Ms.Tell-a-real-spin talked about all
One should never listen or contribute to groundless talk;
for idle words can damage and cause the guiltless to fall
I then realized that in my wise talk, I too, should walk


Author Notes
The names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent

Over-the-Fence is also a termed used for gossip.

Gossip Hurts
Commentary taken from

Gossip Hurts
Today's motivator is about an activity that occurs both at home and at work. Every family and every office has a person who seems to make "passing along" information his or her life passion and duty. We give the gossip monger power and encouragement when we listen to him or her. We should also remember that the person who brings us gossip usually also receives some "new" gossip from us before they leave.

We can offer up many reasons why we "pass along" information about others. We may even feel justified in doing so. However, the bottom line is that gossiping is a hurtful activity. Here are some great quotes about gossip.

One gossip to another: "I won't bore you with details. In fact, I've already told you more than I heard myself."
Envy is usually the mother of gossip.
The most useless thing in the world is gossip that isn't worth repeating.
A casual acquaintance is a person you know well enough to talk about but not talk to.
Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves nothing unsaid.
Most people don't approve of gossip. Enjoying it is enough.
It is always difficult to sling mud with clean hands.
Gossip always seems to travel fastest over a grapevine that is sour.
Nothing is more annoying than to have someone fail to tell you a piece of gossip that you didn't want to hear.
Gossip research is conducted in a blabatory.
It isn't difficult to make a mountain out of a molehill with a little dirt.
Everyone likes to hear the truth-especially about someone else.
Gossip is something that goes in one ear and in another.
People who gossip are the spies of life.
The paradox about gossips is that they always talk about things that left them speechless.
What gossips hear is never as exciting as what they overhear.
A gossip's greatest fear is having no friends to speak of.
Gossips are people who never give secrets away; they trade them.
Talk about others, and you're a gossip; talk about yourself, and you're a bore.
A gossip is someone with a good sense of rumor, and who can't resist wordy causes.

Affirmation for the Week:

???Before I repeat a story about others, I will ask myself, "Is it true? Is it harmless? Is it necessary?" If the answer is "no" to any of these questions, I won't repeat it.???

Have a "gossip-free" week!

"The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly." Proverbs 18:8

Thank you Loyd Taylor for 'Tear Down That Wall!


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