- Mistaken Identityby Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
When it's not what you think.....
Short Stories
: Mistaken Identity by Begin Again
    The Letter. Contest Winner 

The voluptuous brunette lounged on the corner of Mandy's desk, running a file across her nails.

"Be a sweetheart and finish Jack's last letter for me."

Mandy rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, but you don't look like you're overworked at the moment."

"That black mini skirt I've been wanting is on sale. It's perfect for my date with the new guy. I want to run down and buy it."

"Did he ask you?"

Susan shrugged. "He will."

Mandy frowned. "You always get the good ones."

"Don't get that puppy dog look with me." Susan winked. "I heard Bob in the mailroom is going to ask you out. He's more your style." Adjusting her skirt, she tossed a wave and headed for the elevator.

Mandy wished she could be as self-assured as her co-worker. Sighing, she headed to Susan's desk to finish the letter.

The computer screen read -- Message ready to send.

Without thinking, she pushed okay, and then cleared the screen. In a few minutes, she finished the letter and headed to Jack's office for a signature.

At the doorway, she stopped. He was busy reading something. She stepped back into the hallway.

"Mandy!" His voice stopped her.

"I ... I ... didn't mean to interrupt."

"Do you know anything about this email?" He tossed the paper across his desk.

Her body temperature spiked as she began to read --

My darling,

I can't keep my mind off you. My body aches to feel you pressed against me. I want your lips to caress my burning skin and your manhood to quench my fire. Unable to put my feelings into words, maybe I could show you.

Burning with desire,

Sensuous Lady

Mandy recognized Susan's pen name. Fear gripped her heart. How could she explain she'd sent the email by mistake? It wouldn't be fair if he fired Susan for something she did. She made a decision.

"I ... I sent it." She was unable to look him in the eyes.


Taking a deep breath, her voice was stronger. "Yes, I'm responsible for sending the e-mail. I'm sorry." Tears streamed down her face and she rushed from the office.

For the remainder of the afternoon, she buried herself in work. How could she explain to Susan what she'd done?

When Jack walked out of his office, Mandy's heart raced. Was he going to fire Susan? Would he embarrass her in front of the entire office? How could Susan forgive her?

He walked toward them. Mandy held her breath.

"Susan, I need these letters finished by tomorrow morning. Could you do that?"

"Of course." She smiled. Maybe the new guy would be working late too.

"I'd like to continue our conversation." His eyes met Mandy's. "Over dinner."

Susan stared in disbelief.

Mandy smiled, "We were discussing mistaken identities."

Writing Prompt
Please write a flash fiction story based on the prompt in the announcement.
The Letter.
Contest Winner



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