- The Killer Is --by Begin Again
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The Murder is Solved....
Short Stories
: The Killer Is -- by Begin Again
FanStory Clue writing prompt entry

The quaint Bed and Breakfast buzzed with police activity. The guests gathered in the parlor, awaiting Detective Reader.

He entered and surveyed the room, recognizing Lola Malone and several authors from the society page.

The tall, curvaceous brunette's miniskirt skimmed the top of her silky thighs. Her teary eyes met the detective's before she lowered her lashes, dabbing them with a Kleenex.

"Mrs. Malone, my condolences on the death of your husband."

"Please call me Lola. The Senator and I were no longer husband and wife."

"Ah yes, I remember reading in the society page about your well-publicized differences. I believe the latest photo showed you scratching the Senator's eyes out."

"Unfortunately, he never learned the word discreet. He flaunted his bimbos in my face as frequently as possible." Lola's lower lip pouted before she extended her delicate hands to him. "Do these look like hands that could murder someone?"

He ignored her question. "Why are you here this weekend?"

"I'm attending the writer's convention for my friend, Delilah. I do that quite often."

"And your husband?" Detective Reader watched her.

"I have no idea. Coincidence, maybe?" Her blue eyes met his gray ones.

The detective smiled and moved to the next chair where another gorgeous brunette nibbled on her lower lip.

"Adina Pelle, am I correct?"

Wide-eyed, she nodded.

"Are you attending the convention as well?"

"Yes, I arrived last night. I had dinner and cocktails in the bar."


"Well ... I don't generally meet men in bars. John, ummm ... Mr. Thesis, introduced himself as a fellow writer. We had a few martinis together, discussing the convention itinerary. I started feeling ill and decided to go to my room."

"Do you recall the time?"

"Around ten o'clock, I believe."

"Did anyone else go to your room?"

"John offered to assist me since I wasn't steady on my feet."

"Did he stay for a night cap?"

"No, I must have passed out once we were in the elevator. I can't recall anything until this morning."

"Okay." The detective turned to the blonde seated on the couch. "Good morning, Ms. BeginAgain, I've just finished reading your latest book."

"Good morning." She glanced at Lola and John. "I'm here for the convention as well, and I'm writing a book on Senator Malone's life and his many trysts."

Gasps erupted in the room.

"My officer tells me you have some interesting information to share."

"Yes, I overheard loud voices in the room next to mine around 8:30 last night. A woman's voice screamed, 'You'll be sorry', and a man's voice answered, 'We'll see which one of us is sorry.'"

"Mrs. Malone, that would be your room. Can you tell us anything about the conversation Ms. BeginAgain claims to have heard?"

"Okay, so he came to my room. The bastard threatened to cut off all my money, but I didn't kill him."

"John, after you helped Ms. Pelle to her room, what did you do?"

"I went to my room."

"And do you know Mrs. Malone?"

"Of course, who can miss that gorgeous face plastered all over the society page?"

His eyes devoured Lola before she looked away.

A uniformed officer entered the room and gave a sheet of paper to  Detective Reader.

After reading it, he cleared his throat. "Let's summarize the situation. The Senator was killed between ten and midnight. This blue and red earring was found in his room."

Adina gasped. "That's mine! I wore it last night."

The detective nodded.

"Lola, you ordered a bottle of Dom Perignon. Were you expecting company?"

"I happen to enjoy champagne with my bubble bath."

"John, can you explain this blue animal print bikini found in your room?"

"Can't say that I can."

The detective jotted something down, then continued. "I'm told the Senator had a brain tumor. He hemorrhaged when his head was struck with the heel of this size 6 stiletto found in the maid's cart."

"Oh Dio, I found them in the trash," the maid cried.

"Are these your shoes, Ms. Pelle?"

She shook her head, "I'm afraid my size eight won't fit in those."

Ms. Beginagain pulled a book from her bag and handed it to the detective. He read the title, "Ten Days to Get to Know You" and the co-authors' names.

"John and Lola, you are under arrest for Senator Malone's murder."

As they handcuffed the pair, the real killer left the room with the makings of a new best seller.

Writing Prompt
Please write a Flash Fiction Mystery/Crime story based on the prompt in the announcement.


Author Notes


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