- An Opportunistic Killingby Thesis
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Fanstory suspects.
An Opportunistic Killing by Thesis
FanStory Clue writing prompt entry

I left my beautiful Gia, naked in the Jacuzzi, while I went to the door to accept the Champagne I ordered from room service. Clad only in a towel wrapped around my waist, I was shocked when I opened the door. Two badges were shoved in my face as they entered my suite.

"Detectives, Greer and Garcia. Are you John Thesis, the writer?"

"Yes. What's this all about?"

"Mr. Thesis, is there someone else in the suite?"

"Yes, my girlfriend, Gia. She's in the Jacuzzi out on the patio,"

"Please ask her to join us."

While I went to get Gia a robe, the detective noticed the trail of Gia's black stilettos and undergarments making a path to the penthouse patio. Putting gloves on, Detective Greer picked up Gia's heels and was examining them closely as we returned to the room.

"Detective, you seem to be quite interested in my heels. Is it a fetish, or is there a reason you are examining them so closely?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know your last name, Miss...?"


"I'm sorry to interrupt the nice little evening you have going here, but there has been a problem you should be aware of. You're both attending this writer's conference, right?"


"Raymond John, was killed in his room tonight. Do you know him?"

"Yeah, he's one of the elder statesmen on Fanstory. He's a very accomplished writer, a real southern gentleman. Why would someone kill him?"

"I don't know. To answer your question Ms. Donato, I was looking at your heels for any trace of blood or tissue. We believe Mr. John was killed by a single blow behind his ear with an object shaped like a woman's high heel."

"I'm going to have to take your heels to eliminate them for trace evidence. You'll get them back if they're negative."

"Ooh, okay."

"Mr. Thesis, do you all know each other on this site, or is it anonymous?"

"Most of us don't know each other. Tom, the owner of the site, planned this get together to put faces to our writing names."

"Do you know anyone by the name of Shelley Kaye?"

"Yes, she's a poet who lives here in Southern California. She's a lot of fun, promoting writing contests and prompts to make us all write and submit stories based on a fun topic she chooses."

"Sir, you and nine others on this site are in danger."

"Why and how are we in danger?"

"Miss Kaye had a psychotic episode and put all top ten writers on a list to write a murder mystery. Someone on the site decided to make the murder real. We're looking at all top ten, plus the next logical person who would benefit from one of you dead. Number eleven, someone named, Mastery."

"Not, Bob. There must be some mistake. He's a well-respected guy. There has to be some other explanation."

"Let's all get together downstairs after you two get dressed. I want everyone in the same room."

An hour later, nine of us were in a conference room, nervously chatting.

"By now, you all know Mr. John was killed. I've checked several of your alibis and have eliminated five of you from our short list. The following people can go back to their rooms. Belinda, you arrived from the airport after the crime, so you may leave. Mr. jayesnb and Mr. mbroyles, the staff puts you in the lobby with Smurphgirl, discussing topics for contests, until one hour after the murder. You three may also leave. That leaves five of you."

We looked at each other, wondering who could be the killer.

"Mr. Thesis, your companion stated you and she were indisposed at the time of the murder. From what I saw when I visited your room, I believe her. But, I'd like you to remain in the room."

Lola, Ms. Beginagain and Adina, all gave me half-smile smirks, wondering how indisposed I was with Gia. I caught their gaze and smiled.

"The rest of you are suspects."

"None of this makes sense. Why would someone above Mr. John in the rankings, kill him?" Ms. Beginagain offered.

"I see three possibilities: revenge, a lover's quarrel, or to advance in the ratings. Is anyone romantically involved, besides Mr. Thesis?"

Everyone shook their heads, no.

"Detective, was anything unusual found at the crime scene?" Lola asked.

"There was one thing that seemed out of place. We found a checkered handkerchief next to the body."

Everyone recognized the signature.

Writing Prompt
Please write a Flash Fiction Mystery/Crime story based on the prompt in the announcement.


Author Notes
Shelley, I hope you're feeling better after your episode, lol. Sorry, but you are responsible for this mystery.

This was hard to write. I tried to pick someone who wouldn't be obvious.

Raymond, sorry I killed you off. Please don't take it personally.

I hope everyone receives this story in the good fun it was intended.

I can just picture those smirks.

The murder was just opportunistic. There was no romance or ability to move up in the standing by the "killer."

Wordcount = 749


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