- Squashy Red Tomatoesby fairydancer
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Free verse, story in a poem
: Squashy Red Tomatoes by fairydancer
Food Glorious Food!!!! writing prompt entry

The sun was belting down,
the day was sweltering
when young Timmy Bolton
asked his Mother kindly
"What is for dinner?"

With a hidden look
and a very sly grin
she slowly said
"ummm, tomato omlettes
for starters, I think"
then she held a pensive gaze
for what seemed like an age
"yes, jam roly poly for pud"
thinking it would be a winner.

Poor Timmy's face sank,
he thought,
that's what I wanted.
Crispy wet lettuce
he could shake at his sister and make her squeal,
cucumber sticks 
he could crunch and make Dad frown,
and those little tomatoes he could squash
between tongue and roof of mouth
then send the pips flying in his sisters eye.

His Mother smiled
as she came from the kitchen.
"We're low on milk
and we have no icing sugar,
all the shops are shut"
Timmy knew what she'd say next
it was the same every week.
"Be a sweety Timmy,
pop and see the neighbours,
ask Mrs Green,
tell her I'll replace in the week"

So bag in hand
off Timmy set for Mrs Green.
He cringed as he knocked,
he knew what she'd do
"Ah hello my love,
let me give you a kiss"
"My Mum sent me over
to ask for some icing sugar
if you've got it
and maybe some milk?"
"Of course my deary
you just wait there"
..."here we go then,
and in this brown bag
is a gift for your Mum,
now, give it her unopened, mind
and you have a good day!"

Duly young Timmy
returned with his package,
still dreaming of
crunchy scallions
and squashy red tomatoes,
but alas
as he opened the door
the smell of baking
filled his nose.

"Put it on the table"
said his Mother
"and then I need another favour,
we need some tomatoes,
can you ask Mr Thomas
...the small ones, you know"
Oh yes, Timmy knew,
imagining the soft pulp
squishing as he bit
and dripping down his chin.

He liked old Mr Thomas
he made him laugh,
with his cheeky way
and winking eye.
"Timmy, my boy
just the man I wanted,
in this brown paper bag
is a gift for your Mum,
can you give it her,
no peeking mind
and these tomatoes too."
"Thanks Mr Thomas
that's what I came for"
"Come in, have some juice first you have a good day!"

So Timmy returned,
looking at the tomatoes
nestling in the bag,
still longing to taste,
he put his hand in
as his Mother
opened the door
"Now you give those to me
and go and play till it's ready."

About an hour later
the call came for dinner.
But as he sat down
he noticed no food on the table,
his sister was smiling
when the lights went out,
10 little flames floated into the room
(the lights went on)
atop a big sponge cake
with jam and butter icing.
"Happy Birthday Timmy"
the chorus came,
along with
crispy wet lettuce,
crunchy cucumbers,
ham, cheese, scallions

Timmy's face lit up
as his hands were everywhere
grabbing and feeling
all the food he could eat,
then came those brown paper bags:
from Mrs Green,
a bright red tractor
and from Mr Thomas,
a whoopy cushion!

He ummed and arrred
as he ate with relish
his birthday dinner
and he laughed
as he realised the tricks they'd played,
as his sister
stuck her tongue out at him.
He aimed, he fired,
ooh, right in the eye
with the pips of his juicy ripe
squashy red tomato!

Writing Prompt
We all love eating food (well most of us), so why not write about Food?


Author Notes
A big thank you to tcobbin for use of this artwork (Tomato Feast).

jam roly poly = traditional English pudding made with suet pastry
scallions = spring / salad onions

(...and YES it was a huge squeeze to write this in the time, but the story just flowed, so I was lucky!)


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