- Not To His Tasteby fionageorge
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Not so glorious?
Not To His Taste by fionageorge
Food Glorious Food!!!! writing prompt entry

Woman what’s for dinner tonight
I hope it’s something tasty and nice
Not any of that foreign muck
Just cook me some meat or pies
I don’t know what’s come over you
You used to cook plain food
Now you get recipes off the net
And it just don’t taste no good
I ‘m used  to eating three vegies
And a chewy well cooked chop
Now you try all these funny things
That you buy from that health food shop
You cook me pastas and stir fries
Some don’t even have meat
How is a man supposed to survive
A chop and three veg can’t be beat
You make salads with all types of funny bits
And instead of mayonnaise
You put in something called vinaigrette
Oh, what a horrible taste
And what about all these spices and things
Herbs, mustards, even chillies
What happened to plain old country food
All that other stuff gives me the willies
So woman I hope you’ve cooked me a meal
One that’s to my taste
None of your newfangled muck y’hear
Just plain food not cooked in haste
I pick up the bowl of spaghetti bol
And  tip it over his head
You can cook your own meals from now
And I’ll eat healthy instead

Writing Prompt
We all love eating food (well most of us), so why not write about Food?


Author Notes
Daily Writing Prompt Entry:
Write a poem about Food.

Limited punctuation. No specific meter.

Australian English - written in strine.
bol = short for Bolognaise
gives me the willies = get annoyed, not enjoyable.


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