- The tale of a harvest mouseby fairydancer
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Young Master Dawnspinner...
: The tale of a harvest mouse by fairydancer
Use These Words writing prompt entry

T'was a beautiful day in June
in the land of Picketyfleet,
when young Master Dawnspinner woke
in his mouses's home of pure wheat.
The golden sun was resplendent
and the fields were burning with heat,

His mother sent him to fetch ears
of corn, and raindrops wrapped in leaves,
and though his heart was filled with fears,
he soon was gathering from sheaves,
and puddle in the leafy scene;
just one more ear he must retrieve.

He felt a shadow aimed at him;
when balanced on his heighty perch,
t'was too late when mousey saw him -
a barn owl swooped from lofty birch.
He knew t'would be the death of him,
when mighty bird of prey did'st lurch.

T'would surely be a sin he thought,
for one so young, to have life cut short.
He closed his eyes and thought of Mum,
so sure he was that he'd be caught.
"Help!" he repeated parrot like,
as he felt a breeze of strange sort .

Now time had passed, yet there he stood,
but nothing now was left above.
He turned around and had to laugh,
when bird did land on falconers glove;
he praised his life and "Mighty Mouse",
and then returned to Mothers' love.

Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that includes the words provided. Your poem can be of any type.

The words:

laugh - sin - death - parrot - scene - beat - wheat - heat

Author Notes
Thank you to GaliaG for this beautiful artwork

Story poem about young Master Dawnspinner, a harvest mouse who lives in a wheat field, in the land of "Picketyfleet"

I am counting 'Falconer's' as 2 syllables (falc-ners)

Contest announcement:
The challenge is to write a poem that includes (7 out of 8 of) the words provided. Your poem can be of any type.

The words:

laugh - sin - death - parrot - scene - beat - wheat - heat

I have used all of them.


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