- Hope Shines On!by fairydancer
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Free verse with occasional rhymes
: Hope Shines On! by fairydancer
Feelings writing prompt entry


the last ray of light
began to form, then radiated bright,
crescendos of sunbeams
dissipating through the cosmos;
but oh how beautiful it had once been,
the brightest star ever to be seen,
was Hope

now scarred by old age,
its time had come,
it suffered much
to see the lives that flourished once
upon its planets,
depart one by one;
as the last drop of water
shrank slowly, then evaporated
upon their now parched surfaces,
so many lands of fertile, luscious green,
forever departed the starry scene

loneliness crawled into every crevice,
and like a parasitic disease
despair crept in

yet even in death, it showed pure grace
as its molten core shot through its face,
it burned so bright
the light travels still
through distant spaces,
lighting up the darkest places

and much to its surprise,
a chunk remained,
death had refrained
from swallowing it whole,
the great creator had a different plan;
its fragment span and swirled in space
until it felt a gaseous embrace,
where upon it's momentum
fumbled once again upon gravitation,
its limbs broke off to form new planets
while its soul relit with pure white fusion

and so it shines again,
the centre of a new solar system,
its light filtering through each dark domain
that gives our souls the chance anew
to live in bodies with sensations,
to make our mistakes
and face our temptations,
to take of our great Creator's gracious gift
and make of it what we will,
it's precious light, our Hope still

Writing Prompt
Write a poem sharing an emotional feeling about something such as: life, death, war, injustice, marriage,loneliness, loss, hope, laughter, or a subject that might not be listed. Express an emotion such as fear, anxiety, love, hate, disgust, indifference, etc.

Author Notes
Thanks to jgrace for this beautiful artwork

Just a poem about a star called "Hope" who having given life to one solar system, supernova's. Part of this supernova then forms a new solar system.

The science bit:
"The sun was created from a cloud of gases in space, approximately 4.6 billion years ago. The cloud was comprised mostly of hydrogen with a bit of helium but, also, had many chunks of debris in it. The debris was made of elements and compounds that include Water, Iron, Methane, and many other heavier heavy elements. This causes scientists to believe that at least part of the cloud was the remnants of the supernova of a much older star. A passing star or other massive body perturbed the gaseous mixture into gravitational clumping and rotation. As the cloud became more dense, the intense heat and pressure caused nuclear fusion to begin in the center of the cloud forming the sun and spinning action caused the heavy elements and compounds to spin to the the outer regions of the cloud and began forming the planets."
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