- Vanished Into Thick Airby fairydancer
This work has reached the exceptional level
Free verse poem for All Hallows' Eve
: Vanished Into Thick Air by fairydancer
Hallows Eve / Samhain contest entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

have you ever become aware
of your mind whispering to you?
telling you paranoia is sometimes real
then the fears in your nightmares suddenly appear

have you tasted the air
when it's turned thick?
felt it burn its way in
but fail to come out

have you suffered claws so quick, you didn't see them
tearing at your throat, until slowly but surely
they pierce your lungs with blunt thuds
forcing them to drown in your own blood?

have you heard screaming so loud
it makes your eardrums bleed
veins burst and eyeballs willingly rip their muscles
then recognised your own voice?

have you strained to focus
through bloodstained tears
and found there's nothing there
but blackened despair?

have you realized your body is so far gone
that the only course left
is death
and the prospect makes you happy?

and have you ever thought
on Hallows' Eve
it might be fun to see a ghost?
well think again!

Author Notes
Thank you to lilacCollas for this great artwork.


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