- Questions for Answersby jlsavell
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Questions for Answers by jlsavell

Galileo: " You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself."

I sought a conversation
many times within my life
Answers or explanations
why creation suffers strife
My trials and tribulations
were small compared to most
But still with trepidation,
I questioned creation’s host
My answers came not as swift,
nor a revelation’s dream
Tomes of dogma I would sift
views held long in high esteem
Perhaps, you would like to know
just what my questions were
In heart I searched high and low
in search of logic where views blur
My list is not strange at all
For you, my friend, have sought it too
Answers to life’s stings and falls;
as with all sums, what is true?
Is to believe in God a hope
that all men seek in their time
when misery leaves all to grope
wars injustice and rise of crime?
And if the God we believe
creates all things for a reason;
then why would I so conceive
that death is our hope’s treason?
Now when a child cries at night
for drought as sucked the earth so dry;
or disease destroys one’s own might
May I ask of God, ‘Please, just why?’
 When nations sell their glory stars
to bring our children in their fold
and brandish arms in lethal wars;
does God bless with might untold?
Well, if Heaven is life’s real goal
and all these things will get us there;
then why would God create Sheol
if by- any means- is our fare?
I’m not asking you for what I seek
Nor telling you, you must believe
But maybe God embraces meek
and answers all we misconceive
Yes, I sought a conversation
With one whom holds life’s key
For answers and explanations
To set my grievances free


Author Notes
Thank you Todo for Book Owl
Sheol, common grave of mankind. Widely interpreted to mean hell. Misinterpreted? Perhaps. Just making an observation.


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