- St. Patrick's Day by harmony13
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A sad day..........
St. Patrick's Day by harmony13
Use These Words writing prompt entry
Artwork by avmurray at

I was at the corner Cocktail Lounge having a drink. It was St. Patrick's Day at about 7:00 pm. I had no place else to go and was feeling down and somewhat depressed. Clark had broken up with me last week and I was in a rotten mood. My heart was broken.

I was having my third Grasshopper and joking with the bartender. He was teasing me about my green outfit. All of a sudden I began acting silly and spilled my drink. The bartender cleaned it up and I apologized to him. He was sweet and tried to make me laugh. However I was just miserable and was done joking around. An older man sat down next to me at the bar and told me I looked like a stupid leprechaun. How dare he insult me! He went on needling me until I finally lost it and screamed at him to shut up.

When I looked around everyone was having a grand old time. I decided that before I made a fool of myself or got into a fight I would go home. As I flagged down a cab, I made a vow to myself that I would never spend another
St. Patrick's Day alone again.

Writing Prompt
Write a story but use the following words: silly, rotten, heart, miserable, scream, drink. Words may be used in different formats (for example: drink, drinking, drank)

Author Notes
The artwork is "Grasshopper by avmurray". Thank for the use of this colorful artwork - it was perfect for my story.


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