- Light of my Aussie
This work has reached the exceptional level
Faith in my writing ability.
Light of my Life. by Aussie
Faith Poetry Contest contest entry

Writing is my measure of pleasure
Money does not make me better
Faith in my pursuit of leisure
Brings light to every letter.

I have no need to buy my place
Nor follow with dollars dear
Faith has found my space
Filled with skill and cheer.

Oh, what joy I find in writing sound
Love and joy - tale-telling measure
I have faith in my talents found
Faith in myself my measure of treasure.

To give to you who take the time
Read my writing from my heart
To teach you line by line
Every piece - writing is my art.


Author Notes
Five years ago I had no idea where I would be today; artist, yes - poet? Slowly, slowly the faith in my ability came home to roost - today I am a recognised poet and writer. I spend no money on certificates, I don't have the money to spend. Besides, I believe if your writing is good enough you will find a way for people to read it. Writing is just like painting - enjoy!


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