- Tommy who wouldn't brush his teethby kiwisteveh
This work has reached the exceptional level
Old-fashioned motivation
Steve's Poems for Kids
: Tommy who wouldn't brush his teeth by kiwisteveh
    Kiddies motivational poem Contest Winner 

Little Tommy Tiddly-Pom would never brush his teeth
So they turned all black and yellow, but with green stuff underneath.
He'd never need a costume when it came to Halloween -
Just open wide, say, "Look inside -- it's yellow, black and green."

When little Tommy went to school, the kids all screamed and cried;
They jeered and joked and pushed and poked and ran away to hide.
When Tommy-Pom turned ten his mouth had green stuff growing out,
Like silver beet and broccoli and icky brussels sprout.

The dentist came to see and said, "Alas, 'tis as I feared -
Your gums have got so gunky that your teeth have disappeared.
I think I see a pine tree and a grove of eucalyptus;
They told such tales in dental school -- by golly, how they gripped us!"

"There's only one thing for it; could you fetch the chainsaw, Nurse?
Then bring an axe, we have to act, before things get much worse."
They tied young Tommy to a chair; the chainsaw roared and growled;
The axe was swung with vigour, while the frightened patient howled.

And when the trees had fallen, in the undergrowth beneath
They found the scattered remnants of poor Tommy's tortured teeth.
Though Tommy's future's cloudy, there's a silver lining here -
They had green vegies for a month and firewood for a year!


Writing Prompt
Write a poem that will appeal to young children. Any topic. Any poetry type.
Kiddies motivational poem
Contest Winner


Author Notes
Now this is what our grand-parents used to use for motivation - scare the bejeezus out of them! Who remembers 'The boogey-man will get you'?


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