- The perfect Jackarrie
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contest entry about kittens
The perfect choice. by Jackarrie
    Cute little kitten Contest Winner 

Will I or won't I adopt a little kitten?
one that's so cute, I know I'll be smitten
I'd like for her to play with my hair
and hear her soft purring everywhere

Now I am retired and living at home
the house is lonely,just me all alone
fun I'll have playing with her soft ball
running up and down my empty hall

I know she'll sleep in the sunshine
and also in the shade sometime
but really when all is done and said
she will find her way to my comfy bed

They love to climb, all over chairs
and even tumble down the stairs
I would have to hide my best shoes
she'll chew them, just to amuse

The kids will love this kitten so cute
I cannot see any kind of dispute
to see the smile on the face of Gran
she will be loved by all of the clan

Having gone through the pros and cons
this and that, and the disrupted lawns
I must seriously hideaway my shoes
I've decided kittens are much better in twos


Writing Prompt
Tis prompt is to be about a kitten and what it is like. This is for children so keep it clean. Also write how that kitten makes you feel but try to make it fun. Kittens are cute and a lot of fun and can make you laugh and help you to enjoy life. Have fun.
Cute little kitten
Contest Winner


Author Notes
limited punctuation and capitol letters
Image from google.


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