- Reflections withinby giraffmang
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mirror prompt competition
Reflections within by giraffmang
Mirror Poem writing prompt entry

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
The eyes of an old man stare back at me
Where has he come from and what has he seen?
The things he has done and places he's been

I see a life that's been lived, though at times it was tough
I coped through the years but now this was enough
Reflected back at me now was a cold empty room
Loneliness my companion in this sheltered tomb

Sadness I see, struggling to keep going on
Since she went away, her life's curtain drawn
She was my light, and my reason to be
Now she flies with the angels, she is at last free

I see a tear leave me eye, and roll down my face
Never again will I feel her touch, her embrace?
She made me who I am, and without her I'm lost
She said she'd see me again, her final riposte

So I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A shell of man who once used to be
Who waits for the day, an end to the pain
When together our souls will entwine once again

Writing Prompt
We look in the mirror everyday. What do we see when we see ourselves? Write a poem about what you see when you look in the mirror. It can be as straightforward or abstract as you'd like. Creative responses and free-form poems are encouraged.


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