- Leopold Livesby michaelcahill
This work has reached the exceptional level
Confronting the Bishops and Leopold.
Vision and Sound: Their Stories
: Leopold Lives by michaelcahill

Two soul mates live various lifetimes. In spite of often impossible circumstances they attempt to connect with each other

Previously, the red plague took its toll. Some made recovery and others secumbed. Cicero appeared to have a change of heart after facing death and being nursed back to health by the very people he had hunted. Just as it seemed they would be able to recover in peace, Cassius burst through the door with unsettling news. Soldiers on horseback approached, led by bishops and Father Leopold. They all believed Leopold to be dead, so to see him alive was a shock. We continue now as they react to the news and develop a plan.

Valerius seemed infused with energy. "How many soldiers? Are you sure it was Leopold? We saw him fall at our heels!"
Cassius said, "There's at least twelve, maybe more. We've got to get to the forest. We are not prepared to fight them."
"NO! That is not possible. I can't move these people. I'm barely able to move myself. They are sick with the plague. Treatment must continue. I will talk to them. They don't know what they are dealing with."
Cicero had also risen to his feet. "I will stand with you. That should have some sway with them."
Valerius looked to Cicero and nodded his head quickly and exited the front door, Cicero followed behind.
Valerius whispered to Cicero even though no one was within earshot, "We'll greet them in front of Trellitia's home. The shelter is not visible from the road. Perhaps they won't notice it."
Cicero nodded. Cassius followed behind eyeing Cicero suspiciously. Father Travis waited in front of Trellitia's. He showed surprise-seeing Cicero with Valerius.
Father Travis spoke, "I see Cassius has informed you. What are your plans? We have very little in the way of a fighting force."
Valerius looked skyward at a bird flying overhead. "I have no plan. We will deal with what they bring to us. We have truth on our side. It may not help us."
The carriage bearing the bishops and Leopold was appointed garishly. It must've appeared to those that saw it on the road as something mythical in nature. It had gold leaf decorating its edges and velvet purple curtains. The four steeds pulling it were dressed in purple blankets and wore gold crowns. The bishops and Leopold wore the finest garments of the formal mass.
The soldiers who followed and their steeds were fully suited for battle and their armor shimmered under the morning sun. It stood in stark contrast to the humble abode of Trellitia and the men in worn clothing who awaited them. Though weary from their labors and travails Valerius and the others waited unmoving as the glorious entourage approached.
They arrived in a cloud of dust. A priest in plain brown garb assisted Father Leopold from the carriage. One of the Bishops accompanied him.
"It is Bishop Alonsio, powerful." Cicero whispered to Valerius.
Father Travis spoke, "He is not a fanatic to my knowledge, perhaps he will listen to reason."
Valerius acknowledged with a slight nod. He spoke, "What brings this contingent to such a humble abode?"
Leopold spoke. "You know full well my purpose, butcher. I come for the murderers of Father Rastavius. I come for you, butcher and the demons you employ in your stead. One need only look at me to determine the depths of your depravity. Yet! The Lord in his great power has seen fit to allow me to bring you to justice. Not in your plans was it? You fled like cowards thinking me dead. Seize them and all who dwell within. They are all in league together."
Cicero stepped forward as if to speak, but Father Travis brushed past him. "Bishop Alonsio, You know me well. I fear you have been led astray by this man and his wild accusations. It is his own actions of which I am a witness that has brought about the condition he finds himself in. If not for the intervention of Valerius here and his people, he would have surely died from his wounds. He was attacked by wolves in the forest, him, Father Rastavius and Father Cervantes. I, and many others, were a witness to the attack. We all saw the care they received from the doctor. Care, I might add, given after being hunted and endangered by the very men they assisted."
"Wolves! Yes, indeed, wolves called by the demon child. They are possessed as I told you Bishop. The tricks of the Evil One know no decency. Tell them why you were here, Cicero. What lies have they told you for you to stand like a puppet by their side? The man who protected demons in your village now speaks for you. Are you that deluded?" Leopold spoke with venom, but the Bishop heard him nonetheless.
Cicero looked downcast. "Indeed, deluded is the word to describe me. But, it was Father Rastavius and yourself who deluded me. It is you and he who are evil. You are possessed with hatred and bloodlust. The thrill of murder courses through your veins and you cloak it in some veil of service to the Lord. Shame on you."
The Bishop stepped forward. "A priest has been killed and another mutilated. This is not an ordinary event. The church would like to see for itself if these people are possessed. That is the sensible approach. Of course, if they are not, then they come home and all is well. I see nothing unreasonable with that."
Valerius spoke, "There is no evidence of any possession other than the word of this twisted man. Can any man point a finger at another and have them ripped from their home under armed guard on such a basis. In that case I say you are possessed, Bishop. Arrest him! Quickly! We will send him home later!"
The Bishop walked toward Valerius. "You make light of this. I'm talking about an anointed man of God and a personal associate and friend of mine. This man here has served your village for twenty years, all your life. It is not a matter I take lightly. We seek the young lady, Julia and the young child Florentina. If you harbor Winston and his family, we seek them too."
Valerius furrowed his brow. "Winston and his family have shrunk in size. His wife and daughter are buried nearby. That should save you some trouble. He and his son are gone as are the others. Their whereabouts are unknown to me."
The Bishop furrowed his brow in like fashion. "I believe it is you I need to bring in for questioning then. I have a strong suspicion you know much more than you are telling me."
Valerius removed his shirt displaying his body covered in red sores. The Bishop backed up quickly. Valerius said, "Come and shackle me then."
Cicero walked to the soldiers on horseback and spoke, "This man, and this, these two here, all of these abandoned me in the midst of battle. They rode off in a cowardly display. They were bested by farmers fighting in a righteous cause. Have they been checked for the red spots? They have been exposed." Cicero opened his robe revealing a torso full of red spots.
One of the soldiers shouted out, "He lies! We were called to battle by brothers in distress. He can tell you, he heard the horn himself calling us."
The leader of the group turned his mount towards the soldier. "What battle was this were you called to? There are no skirmishes in this area."
"We found none, sir. But, the call was clear. We followed it over the hill, but there was no battle to be found."
Valerius said, "I saw from a stand of trees. The villagers fought mightily and they fled like cowards. There was no horn. They lie! They carry the red plague. The whole of the army will become infected. Bid them expose their flesh for inspection lest you all fall ill!"
The leader spoke, "Do as he says!"
The soldiers began removing their upper garments beginning with their armor. One by one, they stripped down to their bare skin. The soldiers who had been with Cicero all had the red spots and one who had not had them as well.
Valerius looked at the Bishop. "And you? Are you afflicted?"
"No, I am not. We were checked this morning as a matter of fact. These men clearly need treatment. I cannot bring the red plague back to Constantinople with me."
The leader of the soldiers gave an order, "You with the spots, dismount!" They did so. He looked at Valerius. "Can you treat them?"
Valerius relaxed somewhat. "Yes, they will be treated to the best of our ability. You must inspect all they came in contact with. Contact Doctor Gregorio in the great city. He will know how to assist you."
The Bishop stood there unmoving. The ground began to vibrate lightly. In the distance, it sounded like the trumpeting of elephants. Everyone stopped their activity and listened as the sound got louder. The sound of wolves baying could be heard as well now. Overhead and high in the sky were birds of prey, perhaps hawks though it was difficult to make them out so far away.
All looked to the forest in anticipation. It seemed as though whatever was making all that noise was close-at-hand.


Author Notes
The Red Plague is small pox. There were many strains some more deadly than others. The best treatment was cleanliness to avoid infection and fluid intake to avoid dehydration. These methods were ancient in nature and as the Dark Ages approached falling out of favor. Treatments for all ailments would become more and more dependent on prayer and practices with no medicinal value.

There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well


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