- Frightmares - Part 3: Cody's Futureby Brett Matthew West
This work has reached the exceptional level
Cody's future is determined
Astatula (Final Edition)
: Frightmares - Part 3: Cody's Future by Brett Matthew West
Artwork by Lilibug6 at

Cody Schroder is a young boy headed down the wrong road. Can his guardian turn him, and his life, around in a small town where a deranged mass murderer is running loose?

Half way through consuming a hearty breakfast Sheriff Daniels informed Cody he would be going to see Doctor Veronica Connors, a well known Child Psychologist, with a longstanding practice in Astatula. In other words, she was real good at what she did.

Cody's immediate reaction was a loud, "You said I could go play football with Matt!"

He dropped his fork onto his plate. It made a loud "ping!" Then, standing up like he was going to bolt from the table he stammered, "You promised I could!"

Cody wondered why all big people he ever encountered constantly lied to him and mistreated him? He thought Sheriff Daniels was different from the rest of them. But, maybe he was not?

"Sit down, Little Man, and finish eating your breakfast," the Sheriff instructed Cody to do, "of course you can go play football with Matt."

Cody was relieved by what he was told.

"Then, later on," Sheriff Daniels continued, "is when Beth is going to come by and pick you up for lunch. She's going to take you to Melba's Burgers and Shakes. After you are finished with lunch is when you will see Doctor Connors."

Cody sat down and picked up his fork. He took a bite of the scrambled eggs still on his plate.

Swallowing them he asked, "Can I have a chocolate shake?"

"And, a double steakburger all-the-way. Add cheese," Sheriff Daniels replied, "if that makes you happy, Little Man."

Cody took another bite. This time it was the last of his sausage links. He chewed it up. Then, down the hatch it sailed away. Drinking his orange juice all at one time Cody looked at the Sheriff who was now standing beside me.

"You must think I have Locoitis?" he half-jokingly asked him, "Or rocks in my head?"

Sheriff Daniels playfully mused Cody's blond hair like he always did and told the boy, "No, Little Man, I don't think you have Locoitis. However, as mule-thick and stubborn as your head is some times rocks I'm not so sure about. That may be another story."

He continued with, "Actually, Little Man, some times it helps to have somebody else to talk to when you have things on your mind you can't fix all by yourself."

"Kind of like my frightmares," Cody asked trying to understand what the Sheriff was telling me and slowly getting the picture.

The last of his food gone Cody thanked Beth for the breakfast telling her, "It was yummy!"

He looked at Sheriff Daniels but did not say anything. Quickly Cody jumped up from the table and threw huis dirty dishes into the sink. Hurriedly his crumpled napkin found its way into the trash can and out of the house he flew like he had been blasted out of a cannon. No way was Cody going to give the Sheriff a chance to change his mind about letting him go play football with Matt.

After Cody left the house, the front door loudly slamming behind him, Beth turned to the Sheriff and asked him, "Brock, why don't you adopt that boy? Everybody in Astatula knows how you feel about him. It is so obvious."

The Sheriff delayed responding before finally admitting, "I can't, Beth. I just can not do it."

Gently Beth placed his hand in hers and said, "Don't forget, Brock, you have told me all about Tyler Wyatt and the fact he died in your arms from Meningitis when he was six months old."

It was a very painful memory for the Sheriff. One he would never forget...nor did he ever want to.

Softly Beth continued by telling him, "Brock, Sweetheart, Cody could never replace Tyler. He knows that. No one can. And it would be so wrong of him or anyone else to ever try."

Sensing she had the Sheriff's attention, Beth further said, "But, Cody could be your son. If you will allow him to be. He needs you, Brock. And just as importantly you need him."

The Sheriff remained quiet. Silently contemplating everything Beth was telling him. And knowing it was all true.

Beth looked him in the eye and promised, "If you don't adopt him, Brock, I will!"

Then she paused a moment letting what she had just told the Sheriff to sink in before stating, "One way, or the other, Brock, we are going to be Cody's parents."

With Beth Sorenson standing right by his side come what may Brock Daniels once again realized how fortunate a man he really was

Then the thought occurred to him: why not adopt Cody?

Sheriff Brock Daniels had run out of excuses not to.

Author Notes
Behind every good man there is an even better woman.

Sheriff Daniels and Beth Sorenson make plans for Cody's future.

This is Ethan, by Lilibug6, selected to compliment my story.

So, thanks Lilibug6, for the use of your picture. It goes so nicely with my little story.


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