- Slumber Party by Brett Matthew West
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Cody becomes a target
Astatula (Final Edition)
: Slumber Party by Brett Matthew West
Artwork by Lilibug6 at

"Miracles appear in the strangest of places. Fancy me finding you here," Merle Haggard was singing the words.

Or more correctly his popular song was blasting off the sound system in the Red Dog Saloon while Fred Taylor made love to another tonic and gin. His third of the evening.

Taylor determined to himself that he would "Figure out the path of least resistance," and the urge he felt was strong.

No longer the Deputy Sheriff of Astatula he spent the last week or so scoping out opportunities for revenge. The "humble pie" Sheriff Daniels found in his squad car was a start.

Before his little visit to the parking lot in front of Lacroix Jewelry Store, Taylor had retrieved his pictures from their secret hideaway in his desk at the Sheriff's Station.

"No stone left unturned," he told himself, "besides, every one of them was a fond memory."

"There was a little pest needing eradicating in the small town," Taylor decided and he knew the proper exterminator.

A couple more rounds and his fifth of courage would be exploding. One way or another this would be a job well done and he would restore the pride he lost when Sheriff Daniels canned him.

"Who does Sheriff Daniels believe himself to be any way?" Taylor let his mind wander, "Maybe there are two problems Astatula needed to be rid of one situation at a time."

Fred Taylor knew the old shack out behind the power station would be a good temporary holding pen. The dirt was nice and sandy back there. A dangerous combination. Forcing his captured pigeon to dig his own six-by-six would be a warm pleasure to Taylor's heart.

Vegas was the last time he experienced such an unfortunate turn of events. But nobody knew anything at all about that matter except him and the damsel in distress encased in the circle she dug herself. She was a runaway no one missed. If only she had met her quota such a nasty fate may not have befallen her. Que sera sera.

This one he would enjoy more. A strapping young specimen of the male persuasion. He never belonged in Astatula. He would never leave. Finished with his drink Taylor ordered another.

"All in good time," he reminded himself, "the early bird does not always get the worm."

Taylor knew the old adage "You always got more flies with honey."

For now the petit cocktail waitress serving him would make do for acceptable company until he made his move.

"There's a storm brewing," Sheriff Daniels informed Cody telling him, "I don't want you leaving the house tonight. I want you staying home."

"But, Sheriff, Matt only lives two doors down!" Cody moderately protested the lawman's decision then reminded him, "I've been there lots of times."

"You heard what I said, little man," Sheriff Daniels restated his comment, "you can sleep over at Matt's another night."

The Sheriff could see the disappointment in Cody's face. After hearing the local weather report on his station's radio monitor earlier that day he wanted Cody home. He knew the boys had planned several fun activities for the evening but they could wait for another day.

"Now go call Matt and tell him you can't make his slumber party tonight," the Sheriff said.

Cody hesitated. He really wanted to attend Matt's party badly. Several other local boys would be there.

Sheriff Daniels looked at his watch. They heard the skies rumbling overhead with thunder rolls.

"Since it's already 7 o'clock, and you have nowhere else to go, you might as well put your pjs on and get comfortable," Sheriff Daniels instructed Cody, saying, "Beth has ice cream for you in the parlor when you get there. It's chocolate. Your favorite."

Cody did not want ice cream. He wanted to go to Matt's party. He knew he should not disobey the Sheriff and there would be plenty of consequences if he did. On top of that Sheriff Daniels might not allow him to spend another night at Matt's house if he chose his own course of action.

Still, his heart was set on going to the party.

"Could he find a way to do so? Should he try? Or should he just go call Matt like he was told to do?" standing there talking to Sheriff Daniels these questions raced through Cody's mind.

He knew Matt would be as disappointed as he was that he backed out at the last moment. Cody also knew the other boys in town who would be there would tease him mercilessly about wimping out. Not a good way to make friends when you're trying to fit in someplace.

Ever so slowly Fred Taylor inched his vehicle closer and closer to 1517 Maid Marion Lane. Matt's house. All he needed to see was one little blond sight that would soon disappear.

Upstairs in his bedroom Cody knew how easy it was to slip out the backdoor of his house.

With the unknown danger lurking around the corner Cody thought to himself. "Would it really hurt to at least go over to Matt's for a little while?"

"Would Sheriff Daniels miss him if he did not stay gone for long?" he pondered trying to decide what he should do.

Quietly making his way back downstairs Cody slipped out the door careful not to let it slam behind him.

Oh no he didn't! Oh yes he did!

Author Notes
Matt is having a slumber party all the boys in Astatula will be attending including Cody.

At the last minute Sheriff Daniels tells Cody he can not go.

This is Evan, by Lilibug6, selected to compliment my story.

So, thanks Lilibug6, for the use of your picture. It goes so nicely with my little story.


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