- Divine Loveby Gypsy Blue Rose
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2017 Poems
: Divine Love by Gypsy Blue Rose

the sun came out today

but clouds darken my den

vultures over my home

wait eagerly for death

of my spirit and soul

but Divine Love protects

with mighty righteous light

stronger than hateful folks



Author Notes

My poem was prompted by a review I received yesterday for my new tanka class announcement. A reviewer who I thought was a friend wrote it.

I didn't promote my class announcement at all and I expect only a handful of people will read it but that is fine with me. I wrote it mainly for my loyal fans who read everything I write, regardless whether I promote it or not.
Review for my ''BEGINNERS TANKA CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT" a prose post.

**** four stars

''It is a good Tanka? Actually, no Tanka at all and the rating down is more spiritual feeling that writing should be embraced by the heart rather than the commercial. I will no longer support advertising without heart. I only review - like the masses for the pennies. Is that what you want? Three of the best teachers have left and Ray (mountainwriter49) should be teaching your class for he really has the center while you have the edge. Comment Written 26-Feb-2017 by _______. (I will keep it anonymous)

I teach haiku classes at fanstory because I love to teach and I do it well. My students don't complain, in fact, they have taken all my classes since I started teaching in December.

Am I the best teacher? No, I never said I was. Am I a haiku master? No, the only master I know died 300 years ago, his name is Matsuo Basho. I am another student with the gift of teaching skills. Every day I learn something new about haiku and I will until I die.

Haiku and other Japanese poetic forms are an enigma to me. They are a simple but challenging poetic form. I love it because it is visual and intuitive, spiritual and meaningful, and it gives me great joy.

I will continue to write it and teach it regardless those who hate me and complain about it. Thank God they are the minority and most folk are kind and respectful. I have learned a lot from them in the past two years.

I have an infectious passion for this amazing poetic form and a God given gift to pass that passion on to my students. I also possess teaching accreditation, knowledge, work experience, and skills to teach in an effective manner.

I promote my classes because I love to teach and I want to share my knowledge with you all.

The potential earnings for teaching classes here are not much but that is not why I teach. I promote it because I believe in education and I believe what I am making a difference for some folks.

Since I joined fanstory two years ago, I have consistently advocated for haiku and for the right we all have to present our work in a beautiful, pleasing, and artful manner. I think I am doing alright.

My haiku students, fanstory poets, and I are changing minds about the beauty and complexity of haiku. All my students make me extremely proud every day and I will continue to teach and promote my heart out so those of you who can't stand to see me succeed and grow as a poet and teacher ... I am here to stay, deal with it.

Those who complain about my class promotion, doubt my teaching skills and credential, and spread gossip about me can't stand to see people on this site succeed and grow... how sad for them. Thank God they are the minority and most people are respectful and kind. I have learned a great deal from them.

FanStory Haiku Instructor and poet


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