- Eveby Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level
Neanderthals everywhere *sigh* - a free verse
Eve by Dawn Munro


don't expect to dominate me
just because I am a girl
first you have to earn my respect
then my admiration
eventually it might become love


but if it doesn't
don't expect to dominate me
unless you can prove you are right

and mister
that doesn't happen often
or with many people

if it does, though
you will be one step closer

to heaven


Author Notes
(I can't believe I am writing this in 2017...)

Everyone is entitled to some self-love, and having self-respect isn't gender based, nor is it conceit. But some men seem to think to be feminine, a woman must be subservient. If she loves herself, she must hate men...

That's right - I burnt my bra way back in the 1960's. Deal with it, or don't - up to you (but I am all woman). Do I want a cave man? Doesn't every woman, deep down? But he has to prove he's capable of being the one to have the last say, at least for me.

Punctuation lack is intentional. Video is courtesy of YouTube. (There is a mistake in the last writing on this video - it's supposed to read help-mate, not help-meet, but otherwise, I loved the presentation, so I chose this one. And yes, Katie Perry's, "Eye Of The Tiger" suits too. *smile* 'Good for you, honey.')


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