- I Doby rhonnie69
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
It's Cheaper To Keep Her
: I Do by rhonnie69
The Law of the Letter contest entry

Reggie recently rendered replacement resources regarding required reunion repairs recalling Reggie rudely ruining Reggie's-Rhonda's reveling romantic relationship resources respectfully rationalizing realizing Rhonda's repeated rightful requirements resounding reasonable reparation repayment response
Reggie readily repents regretfully requesting reconciliation Reggie resolves reason "Rhonda, rebuke rejects reprieve reprieve restores Reggie's-Rhonda's romantic relationship.

Author Notes
If two of everything went aboard Noah's love boat. I've imagined that quite a FEW came off.
Multiplication: that's the name of the game. The game doesn't stop: only the players.


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