- Hi Momby rhonnie69
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Making the best of: Time Out Time
: Hi Mom by rhonnie69
Children's Rhyming Poem writing prompt entry
Artwork by Lilibug6 at

I bite my toenails.

I sit on my bed,
In an Indian pose.
I touch my nose with my toes.

"Oh!" I shake. "Ooou!" I shudder,
Smells like...peanut butter.

I lie on my back,
Walk my feet up the wall.

I wriggle my toes,
And up, they crawl.

I do the moon walk,
To get back down.
That's how I get my feet on the ground.

I'm just about to bite my toenails again.
My door swings open. Mom peeks in.

"Hi, Mom."

Writing Prompt
Write a poem for a child.

Author Notes
Sometimes fun while on, "Time Out," is more fun than getting myself put on, "Time Out."


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