- Lost and rhonnie69
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YO! Look! I got my pants up. I'm up too.
: Lost and Found. by rhonnie69
Artwork by VMarguarite at

I lost my lunchroom I.D. pass.
The cost, I didn't eat.

I lost my movie ticket.
The cost, my movie seat.

I lost "one" little house key....
That my parents lent to me.

That cost me my allowance.
And, YO! Did that pee me?

That made me lose my temper.
I got real real mad.

That cost me two weeks grounded.
And peace with Mom and Dad.

I found my movie ticket.
Too little. Too late.

I found my lunchroom I.D. pass.
Finally, I ate.

I found that stupid house key.
My parents took it away.

But I didn't find my temper.
So in my room, I had to stay.

Outside my bedroom window....
The playground full with my friends.

Whenever I get myself grounded....
My regret never ends.

I should not lose my temper.
But lose my selfish self.

I'll quit my get real real mad ways....
And leave them on the shelf.

Today I found my temper.
And I'll keep it under control.

Mom and Dad I promise this....
God help, and bless my soul.

Author Notes
Listen up. All God's children of our world. "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you." EXODUS 20:12.


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