- Jump!by rhonnie69
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Jump For Joy
: Jump! by rhonnie69
I Imagine contest entry

I imagine that jumping off a cliff,
can be done for fun.

And since you think like I think,
I'm not the only one.

I imagine that I'll be okay,
as long as I'm tumbling down.

I imagine how it might feel,
when I hit the ground.

Okay okay, while jumping,
off a cliff, might be insane.

Then how about leaping,
from a soaring airplane?


"YOU, yes YOU,
You and me too.

We both know the danger
in what we're about to do.

Adventure awaits us,
my lifelong friend.

We can't see it now,
but it's just around the bend.

You and I have decided that,
sky diving will be a perk

But they'll call you demented,
and label me a jerk.

We've taken expert training.
We both have sky diving skills.

So let's go out and show them,
our sky gliding frills and thrills.


The airplane engine is humming
Our hearts are wary and drumming.


We're standing at the open jump door.
You ask me...
"What are you waiting for?"

You look at me, I look at you...
I say, "Ill jump first if you want me to."

I think once. I think twice.

Impatiently YOU, break the ice...


I pause...I say..."I'll jump...okay."

You nudge in front of me.
"Oh get out of my way."

You look up above us, as if to see hope.
You look down below us, as if to say nope.

Then you look back at me,
with a wink of your eye.

You say..."This jump will be easy,
as easy as pie."

"First jump. Jump first. It doesn't really matter.
Just jump, chump, You're not going to splatter.

You lean out the door. I holler...


Your reaction to that...


With a single leaping bound,
you jump! you're out.

You've more guts than I have,
without a doubt.

I look down upon your descending body sinking.
Watching you free fall, I'm agape, I'm thinking.

I imagine that down there, the devil might be waiting
Two for the price of one, anticipating.

You slide, you glide,
like on a magic carpet ride.

You give me two thumbs up,
to express your pride.

I imagine with my luck,
I'm about to bust my rump.

But I'm going down with her
I'm going to jump.

The nerve of that woman,
she called me a chump.

Just the two of us, she and me.
Look out devil. Here comes...


If my wife can do it, I can match her.
As usual I'll prove that,
after I catch her.

As usual she's up front,
waving you'd better come on.

Get your poky butt up here,
before I am gone.

She always makes, a way,
to wait up for me.

She says that's her way
to show she adore me.

My wife proved to be an adept sky glider.

Her maneuvers helped me catch up,
and float beside her.

She extended her hand.
I knew that meant take it.

When her hand clutched mine,
she began to shake it.

Up down lovingly slow, then she poked her tongue
at the earth down below.

She appeared to be playing.
She spoke to me saying...

"Don't you dare pull that rip cord yet.
There's nothing to fear, there's nothing to fret."

"Let's live it up. Let's hold hands float a while
The ground is still below us at least half a mile."

"If you feel as free as I feel free,
slap me a high-five, and say you love me."


"YES," that's it. Now, with both hands."


She reached over and pulled my rip cord.
My chute opened. Praise the Lord.

She didn't pull her cord,
So she kept sinking.

Like when she jumped out the plane.

I kept thinking.

This girl's got to be insane.

I hovered above her yelling
at the top of my voice.

I gave her an option.
I gave her a choice.

"I fail to find your antics amusing or cute."


Play with my heart girl and you will see
I'll rip this harness off of me."

She looked up at me with the look in her eyes,
of a woman's devotion that never dies.

She gave me the look that she gave to me,
when I knelt and proposed to her on my bending knee.

The love in my heart surpasses my ability to express,
How she made me feel when she said, "YES."

And now she was falling,
perhaps to her death.

Unstrapping My harness,
I held my breath.

She saw what I told her,
was not just a bluff.

She waved up to me, NOOOOO!!!
I've seen enough.

I felt ecstasy, rapture, joy, and bliss.
When she poked her tongue at me
then blew me a kiss.

I cried with a shout

Then I saw the pastel-pink canopy of her chute
blossom out.

Her little body dipped and flipped.
She dangled down, as her life-lines whipped.

She swung her legs then let them sway,
and waved her hands in a teasing playful way.

Today I ponder in sweet reminisce,
how she looked up at me and blew me another kiss.

Oooouuu! I thought. Just wait until we get down.
I'll bake your beauty-buns honey-brown.

On second thought, I'll chill my heat.
I imagine that I'd better be sweet.

I'll greet her with a nimbus glow,
when I meet her on the green grass below.


Author Notes
I imagine that I'll get brownie points from my better half for writing this story.


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