- Stormy rhonnie69
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The truth about.......
Free For All.
: Stormy Weather. by rhonnie69
Non-Fiction Writing Contest contest entry
Artwork by VMarguarite at

Hey, Kids.
When I was a kid, word had it that a stormy day,
was a day when the devil and his wife were fighting.

The thunder was furniture being knocked over.
The lightning was fire bursting out of him,
each time she hit him with her skillet.
The rain was when he was crying
because she was winning.
"Hee Hee."

Well...I've weathered many a storm since those days.
Eventually I found that there's a "FEW FIBS," in that fun fallacy.

According to my encyclopedia,
the truth concerning the matter
goes like this.

My version:

Black clouds over our heads.
Also known as rain clouds.


Bombs bursting in air?
That's the sound of thunder we hear.


Rockets' red glare?
That's fiery lightning we see.

Lightning is fire that comes from the sun.
That's why it's so hot and bright.

When lightning passes through air,
it heats the air.

The air expands and goes flying outward very quickly,
in all directions.

When it does, it crashes into cool air around it.
This crash makes the sound that we call thunder.

What's the tumbling sound?

The tumbling sound that we hear is really echoes
of the sound of thunder bouncing off thunder clouds.

What's the sharp crashing sound?

The sharp crashing sound is what we hear,
when a big bolt of lightning splits into a bunch
of smaller bolts.

Sometimes thunder seems weak and little. What's that?

When lightning strikes far away we hear a deep
roaring rumbling sound.

We see lightning before we hear thunder.
This gives us a way to tell just how far the storm is away.

Light travels 186,300 miles per second.
That's faster than sound travels.
That's why we see lightning before we hear thunder.

Though not quite as fast as light,
the sound of thunder travels very fast.
Every five seconds sound travels about one mile.

If we see lightning and start to count,
if we count to five before we hear thunder
the storm is about a mile away.

Thunder storms don't stay with us very long.
They pass over us and soon disappear.

We can't see through thunder storm clouds.
So we can't see the sun when they are directly above us.
But old faithful is up there, smiling down on those dark clouds.

Those frowning clouds are going to drift away.
Then we'll see the brightness of our sun's radiant face,
beaming down upon us.

We'll feel the warmth of it's being once more;
shining upon all of us.

Like its, and our creator, it has no favorites among us people.
In the sunlight every living soul will cast a shadow;
as we bask in the companionship of its warming glow.

And guess what.

It's the warmth of our sun that makes rain.
Rain provides fresh water to water our vegetation.
Yes. Even our eatable veggies.

Great, huh? A sure winner for dinner.

How does our sun make rain?

Heat from our sun heats the water on earth.
Like our oceans and seas for example.

The water turns to steam because of our sun's heat.
The steam floats up to the sky.

At first, it looks like clouds up there.
Then it cools and turns back to water.
After it turns back to water, it falls back down to earth.

We call this falling water rain.

So as you can see.
No rain. No veggies.

And the only place dessert comes before veggies;
is in the dictionary.

Author Notes
Along with the sunshine...there must be a little rain sometimes. Good for our veggies. Good for us. "More peas, Mom please. Thank you."


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