- A Quiet Place. A Peaceful rhonnie69
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: A Quiet Place. A Peaceful Refuge. by rhonnie69
Dialogue Only Writing Contest contest entry
Artwork by VMarguarite at

"Hi there my friend. Please have a seat here with me."

"Why should I?"

"Because I feel the need for You and sit this one OUT, together,
and have a friendly chat."

"A friendly chat?"

"Yes. You haven't a clue just how much I wish,
that you and I can be friends."

"Me and you. Friends?"

"Yes, in: People attached to one another,
by feelings of affection and personal regard toward each other.
People who are on good terms one with another. I'd like that."

"You'd like that?"


"Because I love you...regardless to outside negative circumstances.
I love you for the sake of righteousness. in the words of, Jesus...

"Here I am! I stand at the door, (to your heart,) and I knock. If you hear My voice,
And open your door, I will come in and I will eat with you...
And you will eat with Me."

"You and me...eating at the same table?"

"Yes. With our Lord. in the words of, Jesus...
"If two or more people come together in My name,
I am there with them.That's why you and I have a need to get along together...
for our own sake."

"For our own sake?"

"Yes. Jesus also said to us: Live a life of love between yourselves...
just as I love you, and gave My life for you as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice."


"Yes. our God didn't have to die for our sins in our places...but He did.
That was a surrender of something prized or desirable
for the sake of something considered as having a higher,
or more precious worth...a smaller loss for a greater gain."

"Then we're better off being friends, than we are being enemies."

"Yes. We should speak to each other with psalms, hymns,
and spiritual songs, singing and making music in our hearts to our Lord."

"Why should we do a thing like that?"

"Because we all are parts of our God's body.
That means that we are all equal...we are one...
we are family. We are all brothers and sisters in, Christ.
Christ is our God...and our God is love."

"Deep down inside of my heart...I believe you.
Our God is love."

"Yes. So let us get along together, and love and forgive each other.
If you feel that someone has done you wrong...forgive that person."

"Why should I forgive that person?"


Author Notes
"Our God's mercy is great, and He loves us very much. Though we are spiritually dead because of the things that we do against our God He gives us new life with, His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of our God. But we have all been redeemed by God's Amazing Grace. (undeserved favor,) THANK YOU, JESUS. AMEN."


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