- I Thank rhonnie69
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
My Dear FanStory Friends,
Free For All.
: I Thank You. by rhonnie69
Artwork by VMarguarite at

"Thank you my friends.
You and I know who you are."

"If it were not for you,
I'd never gotten this far."

"You like me because I'm me,
And I am aware."

"That you are my fan-friends,
And you really care."

"Some wish I would vanish,
Just disappear."

"But because of you people,
I am still here."

"I am not wrong here.
I belong here."

"In the FanStory community.
So my haters might as well get used to me."

"This is far from my last line.
I will be back...

CORDIALLY: rhonnie69."

Author Notes
"If people don't like me because I'm a Christian, I shall, NOT, be discouraged.
I'll praise my God, because I wear that name."


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