- Think About Itby gsnewton75
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Think About It by gsnewton75
Non-Fiction Writing Contest contest entry

When I was going to college, I was part of a study group of friends who were in the same literature, religion, and philosophy class. Every Monday morning we got together for coffee and toast to engage in cramming for tests or brainstorming over subjects discussed in class.

One Friday afternoon, Ralph, Frank, and I were trying to decide what to do for a presentation we had been assigned by our religion professor. The subject was, "How can an event be a fact if it was never experienced?" It seemed like a simple project but we seemed to always find a way to make a simple subject complicated. We were having trouble coming up with a logical way to handle the presentation and was hoping maybe our religion professor would stop by before his mid-morning class for coffee and give us some last minute ideas to think about.

"I don't understand," Frank said. "We have history books that describe events and their significance from the past whether we actually believe what happened is based on the writer's credibility; especially the resources used to gather the information, even if there were no first-hand observers.

"Yes, we know about history books and research papers offered by acceptable scholars," I said, "but there are also a lot of word of mouth tales told and stories written that are considered legends of actual events that can't be verified with concrete evidence as having been experienced."

"I know," said Ralph, "That's why there are many interpretations of the same event or person which say, 'most scholars agree,' or 'the majority opinion is."

"Take for example the baptism of Jesus," Frank said. "Luke was not written for probably sixty years after the event but he probably had access to some people who were there or recalled the event being discussed. We believe this to be a fact even though we are not positive that someone who told Luke about the experience was there at the time. 'Scholars believe' would be used in this situation, although I'm sure there were people who had heard the voice of God say, "You are my beloved Son; with you, I am well pleased." I might add that this experience is the most attested reading in the Greek manuscripts, according to my study Bible."

Frank continued, "I agree that those phrases are usually written to show that tons of research had been done and an agreement formulated. I don't think, the phrase 'most scholar's agree,' makes it any less factual that the event took place or didn't take place."

"Believable maybe", said Ralph, "but not necessarily factual."

"O.K., well here's another question for you," I said. "Have you ever given any thought to the fish and birds situation?"

Both Ralph and Frank looked at me laughing and asked, "What do you mean?"

I told them, "Just because the fish swim freely in the sea, I don't think they notice that it was the water that was the source of their freedom and that without it they could not have experienced the task of swimming. Birds, on the other hand, fly freely in the sky but do they know why? Do you think they understand the meaning of freedom which is the result of their experience? Like people, they take the blessings of God for granted. The question, can something be a fact if it is not experienced, lends itself to the mystery of God's creations. Animals can't think logically therefore, they enjoy what God gave them naturally to experience without having to think about it. They are not concerned with why something is causing them to experience what they do. On the other hand, when Adam and Eve, who could think because God gave them a brain, disobeyed God and ate the fruit it was the influence of the snake (the Devil) appealing to their "GREED" that created the implied experience. This was a true case of the Devil made me do it which is even used as an excuse today for not doing what's right."

"Here's my thought," said Frank.

"The fact that Adam and Eve disobeyed God's instruction displayed a lack of Faith. For example. 'till death do us part' is an act of faith. When you entrust a secret to a friend, settle on a college or career, or choose a stock those too are acts of faith. Commitments without certitude they will work out in each case for you personally. I ask, how much was calculation and how much was the risk?"

I said, "But all these situations were experienced therefore they were facts, Right?"

Before Frank could gather his thoughts to answer, Ralph asked, "that all sounds like the question, did freedom create sin or was it the result of what was done with it? Did the lack of Faith create Evil; therefore causing the experiences that Adam and Eve went through as well as those in the future?"

"Free choice created Sin. Good or Evil was the experience," said Frank.

"The story of Adam and Eve, whether it is true or not, is experienced by everyone who reads the Bible. Furthermore, If good and evil was a result of Adam and Eve's experience when they made the choice to disobey God, then man's future knowledge and how it was used became the experience or event. It seems to me, History (events that may have not been experienced by all) became the bi-product of choices everyone made in the future. Since the beginning, we have learned that history has measured the worthiness of man's decisions and what he has done with the power to act has been measured by his experiences. The sin of evil became the sin of disobedience to God and death was the result; did man make a bad decision?

While we were taking a break for coffee refills, the Religion Professor came in and joined us.
After we caught him up on our previous conversation, he chimed in offering his points.

"While it is my belief," he said, that God is responsible for all the people on this earth, it is the people who are responsible for what they believe and do. I have observed during my lifetime that men make something, nothing, or something in between of their life. By conducting themselves in a moral and ethical manner their professional and proficient talent made their desire for a better life become a reality. While it is true, history speaks to the fact of these experiences those individuals who worked to make their families experience safe, healthy, and prosperous lived and worked in a community that worked for the good of all which gives credit to their character. An equitable and an accommodating balance of attitudes is a must before justice can prevail and produce amicable honest results. The practice of developing reasonable and impartial compromises when making decisions that affect the most people usually lends itself to a more equitable solution for the community."

The Professor continued, "Unfortunately, in today's world, individuals are making bad decisions. It would appear that the major concerns and problems we are experiencing are only being resolved when the solutions tend to benefit interested parties economically, politically, or financially. Our country is so divided that every day a more hostel persona seems to spring forth. Everyone seems to be full of bias thinking. Regardless of the topic overpowering their quest for solutions the left seems to have an incredible desire to regain the power lost from an election. Their bias responses and actions show very little concern for the result they cause. Their major goal is to increase support for their cause which doesn't include any type of compromise. The sad thing is the good of the country and its people are the victims."

I continued saying, "Each new day seems to bring surprises that change our lifestyle. Someone is always telling us what to think, how to live, or what car we should drive. The electronic media tells us what thoughts we should have about our everyday life, what we should eat, what and how to buy something, what we're supposed to think about the world and our government's role in it, what movie to see, what to tweet and to whom; especially what and how we can say it. Political topics resonate over the T.V. chat roundtables. Panel members shouting at one another with their bias opinions do not share opinions concerning local and national subjects. Rather than making suggestions as to how to compromiser they interrupt one another before anyone can comprehend what their thoughts were with their bias point of view. It seems to me our life's values are changing too fast. People blame everybody from criminals and citizens of a number of foreign countries who are coming across our borders and the multi-culture influences they bring into our society. Others cite the increase of socialistic teachings in the colleges and universities for the increasing love affair with "What's Free", "I deserve it", and What's In It For Me? Attitudes."

Frank said, "There is a very different attitude about what and how to report the news when it comes to politics and our economic positions but I do not see much discussion or reporting about our spiritual position. The attitude and behavior of those preaching, (which they call editorializing) about ethics and integrity liken itself to that of a kindergarten class fighting over a toy. Political parties are not cooperating with one another because of a change in our presidential leadership. Instead, they make loud foot stomping excuses for what they call the other sides racist thought. If you disagree, you are showing a lack of concern for the poor. Decisions about who gets the money and our reasons for not giving everyone the same income, health insurance, retirement plans, spending money, housing, education, a high paying job, free this and free that reek with the scent of Socialism.

The Religion Professor looking at his watch said, "I'll make one more comparison for you to think about before I have to go to my next class. Today's mixed up version of whose who is like a sermon. I have heard sermons that seem to never end and others that sound like a teaching seminar on how things should be, while others border on a science fiction genre. These types of sermons do not give much thought to the concerns of the audience at the moment and the events being presented may never be experienced by anybody. The point being made, however, does require us to have faith so that eventually we will experience an event meaningfully described by the experience we are imagining. If you think of a sermon like a beautiful painting you'll see what I mean.

A good artist," continued the professor, "reflects in his painting his talent by his thoughts, love, and compassion, he has experiences with the subject. He does this by the way he selects his colors and images to reflect his subject. He tries to create a personal relationship with those who see his work, just like a minister does in the delivery of his sermon. If he delivers his thoughts with a tone of love in his heart we know the audience will listen and reflect on what is being said in their own way. Each artist and speaker, when their subject is delivered with a tone of love in their heart, will share a powerful message with their audience. His message will live in each person's memory as an interpretation of what was experienced in their heart and the feelings they felt."

The Professor then said, "Well guys, I have to go. Good luck with your presentation, I know you will do well."

"I have to tell you," I said, "the principles of morality, as you will recall when we studied Kant, Mill and others, along with the teaching of the religious faiths such as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, all give support to the idea that moral standards regulate right and wrong conduct and that by living with a moral standard, a code of conduct which teaches that good will overcome evil and a morality that will teach us that ethics, which is the culmination of these principles into a manual of good conduct, will determine what actions are good for the betterment of the community regardless of the time. I think it is interesting that the creation of knowledge which was born from evil sin, became the foundation of the need for salvation and reconciliation which can only come from God.

Frank suggested let's divide our project into three presentations: 1. "What Did Free Choice Cause" 2. "Did Freedom Create Sin?" And 3. "What Part Does Faith and Evil Play in Our Code of Conduct?" We all agreed.

"In my opinion, it will become harder to resolve anything until we ask our spiritual self to put God and his teachings back in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Our lives, schools, government, and society must change. It would be nice if we could live by the Golden Rule, keep love in our heart instead of greed, pray for His help every day, and remember the commandments God gave to Moses. This would relieve bias, controversy, mean spirited resolve, and create 'a difference of opinion' only."

"I'm reminded of something Thomas Jefferson wrote about the purpose of the Declaration of Independence. He said, its purpose was to place before mankind the common sense of the subject which was intended to be an expression of the American mind. When people want to live free under the red, white, and blue and benefit from all that it stands for, they follow the rules of law, society, and most importantly, keep their spiritual mandates. I believe writers of the Holy Bible had the same purpose as Jefferson! God is the only one if you let him, which can keep your heart free from hate, keep you safe, and encourage you to live your life with love hope and faith in your heart instead of disrespect, forlornness, disparagement, fear, and controversy. In my story, "I Love You, A Lesson Learned", an example of how faith overcomes grief is portrayed, while a personal experience with what 'love' means, teaches how God's grace is received.

Ralph thought awhile and said, "I see why you say it has value today because it's an explanation of how "Greed" and "Faith" changed man. When God told Adam and Eve they could not eat from one special tree they didn't really know why. They only knew that they had to avoid the fruit to avoid consequences, which didn't really mean much to them because they had never experienced consequences before. It took the talking snake (the Devil) to introduce the concept (the idea) to Eve of what she could gain by eating the fruit. I'm sure the thrill of the potential to know as much as God was greater than any possible bad consequences she may encounter. "Greed" became a reality to her."

"As a result of their experience Christians know today," said Frank, "that Faith is required to be a Christian, that heaven is a spiritual promise, and death is a human reality, but what about evil?"

"What about Evil?" I asked the group? "Do you think evil is a simple matter of choice or can some evil be good or is it possible for some good to result from an evil deed?"

Frank fired back, "Do you guys believe that God's "Will" has no power? Are you of the mindset that something can only be true if we feel in our heart that it is true, can be proven? Bishop Fulton J. Sheen once explained, "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile." Likewise, Buddha wrote, "Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, man can't live without a spiritual life." Faith and Love are the ingredients of a Christian." I continued,

"Look at things today. There seems to be a new game these days being played all across the country by newspaper reporters, social media participants, T.V. Commentators, comedians, and political party members, called, 'President Bashing.' The objective is to criticize everything the President does regardless of the results he achieves or whether or not the good of the country is at stake."

"I agree", explained Frank, looking at me directly. "Regardless of who it is doing the complaining the lack of character and spiritual integrity being displayed in Washington these days is accomplishing nothing but negative behavior. The lack of moral and ethical principles is causing so much chaos that all attempts to do what is best for the common good goes astray. It seems to me we have forgotten that character is built on moral and spiritual rules governed by the law of the land. The quest to only want to gain lost power overrides better judgment."

I then offered, "Maybe our complainers should listen to the will of the people who are more positive about things and VOTE for what they want. The other alternative suggests they could live somewhere else until they can get it right. The sad things are all it takes is a vote every two and four years to voice an opinion and change what they don't like. It the doomsayers would listen to the voters and encourage their leaders to compromise once in a while we would all be better off. But of all they are going to do is cry and fight over every idea that comes along maybe they should go to their corner and cry like the babies they seem to be or they could listen to the majority of American voters and try to work together."

"Passionately said," Ralph agreed.

Talking a break for coffee refills, the Religion Professor came in and sat down with us. After we caught him up on our previous conversation, he chimed in offering his points.

"While it is my belief," he said, that God is responsible for all the people on this earth, it is the people who are responsible for what they believe and do. I have observed during my lifetime that men make something, nothing, or something in between of their life. By conducting themselves in a moral and ethical manner their professional and proficient talent made their desire for a better life become a reality. While it is true, history speaks to the fact of these experiences those individuals who worked to make their families experience safe, healthy, and prosperous lived and worked in a community that worked for the good of all which gives credit to their character. An equitable and an accommodating balance of attitudes is a must before justice can prevail and produce amicable honest results. The practice of developing reasonable and impartial compromises when making decisions that affect the most people usually lends itself to a more equitable solution for the community."

The professor continued, "Unfortunately, in today's world, individuals are making bad decisions. It would appear that the major concerns and problems we are experiencing are only being resolved when the solutions tend to benefit interested parties economically, politically, or financially. Our country is so divided that every day a more hostel persona seems to spring forth. Everyone seems to be full of bias thinking. Regardless of the topic overpowering their quest for solutions the left seems to have an incredible desire to regain the power lost from an election. Their bias responses and actions show very little concern for the results they cause. Their major goal is to increase support for their cause which doesn't include any type of compromise. The sad thing is the good of the country and its people are the victims."

I then offered, "Each new day seems to bring surprises that change our lifestyle. Someone is always telling us what to think, how to live, or what car we should drive. The electronic media tells us what thoughts we should have about our everyday life, what we should eat, what and how to buy something, what we're supposed to think about the world and our government's role in it, what movie to see, what to tweet and to whom; especially what and how we can say it. Political topics resonate over the T.V. chat roundtables. Panel members shouting at one another with their bias opinions do not share opinions concerning local and national subjects. Rather than making suggestions as to how to compromise they interrupt one another before anyone can comprehend what their thoughts were with their bias point of view. It seems to me our life's values are changing too fast. People blame everybody from criminals and citizens of a number of foreign countries who are coming across our borders and the multi-culture influences they bring into our society. Others cite the increase of socialistic teachings in the colleges and universities for the increasing love affair with "What's Free", "I deserve it", and What's In It For Me? Attitudes."

Frank said, "There is a very different attitude about what and how to report the news when it comes to politics and our economic positions but I do not see much discussion or reporting about our spiritual position. The attitude and behavior of those preaching, (which they call editorializing) about ethics and integrity liken itself to that of a kindergarten class fighting over a toy. Political parties are not cooperating with one another because of a change in our presidential leadership. Instead, they make loud foot stomping excuses for what they call the other sides racist thought. If you disagree, you are showing a lack of concern for the poor. Decisions about who gets the money and our reasons for not giving everyone the same income, health insurance, retirement plans, spending money, housing, education, a high paying job, free this and free that reek with the scent of Socialism.

The Religion Professor looking at his watch said, "I'll make one more comparison for you to think about before I have to go to my next class. Today's mixed up version of whose who is like a sermon. I have heard sermons that seem to never end and others that sound like a teaching seminar on how things should be, while others border on a science fiction genre. These types of sermons do not give much thought to the concerns of the audience at the moment and the events being presented may never be experienced by anybody. The point being made, however, does require us to have faith, so that eventually we will experience an event meaningfully described by the experience we are imagining. If you think of a sermon like a beautiful painting you'll see what I mean.

A good artist," continued the professor, "reflects in his painting his talent by his thoughts, love, and compassion, he has experiences with the subject. He does this by the way he selects his colors and images to reflect his subject. He tries to create a personal relationship with those who see his work, just like a minister does in the delivery of his sermon. If he delivers his thoughts with a tone of love in his heart we know the audience will listen and reflect on what is being said in their own way. Each artist and speaker, when their subject is delivered with a tone of love in their heart, will share a powerful message with their audience. His message will live in each person's memory as an interpretation of what was experienced in their heart and the feelings they felt."

The Professor then said, "Well guys, I have to go. Good luck with your presentation, I know you will do well."

"I have to tell you," I said, "the principles of morality, as you will recall when we studied Kant, Mill and others, along with the teaching of the religious faiths such as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, all give support to the idea that moral standards regulate right and wrong conduct and that by living with a moral standard, a code of conduct which teaches that good will overcome evil and a morality that will teach us that ethics, which is the culmination of these principles into a manual of good conduct, will determine what actions are good for the betterment of the community regardless of the time. I think it is interesting that the creation of knowledge which was born from evil sin, became the foundation of the need for salvation and reconciliation which can only come from God.

Frank suggested let's divide our project into three presentations: 1. "What Did Free Choice Cause" 2. "Did Freedom Create Sin?" And 3. "What Part Does Faith and Evil Play in Our Code of Conduct?" We all agreed.

"In my opinion, it will become harder to resolve anything until we ask our spiritual self to put God and his teachings back in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Our lives, schools, government, and society must change. It would be nice if we could live by the Golden Rule, keep love in our heart instead of greed, pray for His help every day, and remember the commandments God gave to Moses. This would relieve bias, controversy, mean spirited resolve, and create 'a difference of opinion' only."

"I'm reminded of something Thomas Jefferson wrote about the purpose of the Declaration of Independence. He said, its purpose was to place before mankind the common sense of the subject which was intended to be an expression of the American mind. When people want to live free under the red, white, and blue and benefit from all that it stands for, they follow the rules of law, society, and most importantly, keep their spiritual mandates. I believe writers of the Holy Bible had the same purpose as Jefferson! God is the only one if you let him, which can keep your heart free from hate, keep you safe, and encourage you to live your life with love hope and faith in your heart instead of disrespect, forlornness, disparagement, fear, and controversy. In my story, "I Love You, A Lesson Learned", an example of how faith overcomes grief is portrayed, while a personal experience with what 'love' means, teaches how God's grace is received.


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