- The Prince Who Was Always rhonnie69
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: The Prince Who Was Always Sad. by rhonnie69
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There once lived a prince who was lonely and sad.
"What can your problem be," asked the King his dad.

"You're always so grumpy. Your face is sooo shady."
"Dad I'm sooo lonely. Get me a fair lady."

The king sent out seekers. They searched here and there.
But they couldn't find a fair maiden anywhere.

In a far away land lived a maiden named Joan.
She too was single and all alone.

She never appealed to any young men.
Because she was a harlequin.

One day while out chasing butterflies,
From the clover below something caught her eyes.

It appeared to be startled, it's cheeks were red.
Scolding Joan here's what it said.

"Hey, spry dancer with dainty pep.
Mind you don't squish me, watch your step."

"Oops, I'm bad
"Excuse me please, don't be mad."

"Oh I'm not mad, in fact I'm glad.
I just escaped the closest call I ever had."

"Hey," said Joan, "I know who you are.
You're the prettiest beetle of all by far."

"A bright-red body with black polka dots,
You have freckles, and WOW, you have lots."

"I have freckles on my face, but my smile doesn't care.
Between my sprinkled polka dots my smile is still there."

"I like you lady bug, your beauty never ends.
I'm glad that I met you, how about we be friends?"

"To your request, I'll say okay.
And where might you be going on this sunny day?"

"I'm out chasing butter flies.
But I've haven't caught one in a zillion tries."

" least they make you romp and run.
Looks like you're having tons of fun."

Chasing butterflies is my fun and joy.
But I'd much rather chase and catch me a boy."

"I've tried and tried...but to my surprise,
Boys are harder to catch than butterflies."

"Oh, don't let that to you be a hassle.
Just dance your cute self up to the castle."


"Yep...that's all you have to do.
There's a handsome prince there waiting for you."

"I'll take your advise, yes...I'll pursue it.
Hummm. Dance up to the castle...Yes...I'll do it."

When Joan arrived, the prince's sad got glad.
And an delightful ecstatic wedding they had.

Author Notes
"It takes make a dream come true."


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