- Watching The Tide Roll rhonnie69
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Alone I Stand...
Free For All.
: Watching The Tide Roll By. by rhonnie69
Artwork by BHAKTI MUNOT at

Upon the sand, you too stand,
Watching from the other side.

Like me you're waiting anticipating,
The ebb of the rolling tide.

Yes...I am here though not near, my dear,
We're an ocean apart.

But we are still together,
In each other's heart.

If you can swim, let me know.
Then dashing and splashing we will go....

Through the surging billows,
To who we dream of on our pillows....

And embrace, just a little,
when we meet in the middle.

We won't need a life raft,
We won't need a boat.

Being together....
Will keep us afloat.

Author Notes
"It would be easier to take the wet from water,
Or the dry from sand. Than for anything to separate us...
Stop us from holding hands."


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