- History Of The rhonnie69
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: History Of The Rainbow. by rhonnie69

"Here there's a truth, we all ought to know.
About the birth of God's first rainbow."

"The rain came down, and the sea did rise,
Above every mountain higher than any bird flies."

"Why did the sea flood up to the sky?
GENESIS chapter 6, tells us why."

"GO ON. READ IT....I'LL WAIT." ---------->>>

Author Notes
"Just couldn't resist...huh? You read chapter 7. Good for you. If you didn't read chapters 8& would be wise of you to, "DO IT." If you did read chapters: 6-7-8-&-9. There..."The History of the first rainbow." Now you are wise. Now you know. God bless you and yours. Cordially, your friend: rhonnie69. P.S. "CIAO," EVERYBODY," ...."CIAO," means...hello and so long...for now. It means Platonic/agape' love. A dear friend taught me that. "AMEN."


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