- Winner of the Stormby Tina Crute
This work has reached the exceptional level
Storms of life test your endurance and heart.
Winner of the Storm by Tina Crute

In places and times,
no choosing.
uninvited storms will greet me,
and force a challenge.
Right or wrong,
we are all losing
when weather appears.
In a sudden gush,
hard winds roaring,
breath is taken, short in coming.
Heart is heavy with the fight.
On a dare, water starting,
trickling down and then a flood
Will there be any good?
My heart is worn
and must be strong
before it falls victim
to the lightning,
brightly angry
In the rain.
I seek a better place,
away from this storm of pain.
But how to escape
and can I win?
seeing through tears
I look around.
A cave ! I peer from it.
All is wet and ruined;
but the storm has stilled!
The mighty wind,
is now a breeze.
Sunshine dares a peek.
I can breathe!
I can grow.
Despite the pain
that weather brings,
My heart has faced a test,
and beat throughout
the storm's progress.
A victory earned!
The storm is dead!
And I am breathing!



Author Notes
Though storms in life can surprise and scare us, we can endure and rejoice at the storm's ending! Storms never last forever! Thank goodness!


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