Sisters are special in my family,
I've been Blessed to have had two born by blood,
My eldest watches over our entire brood!
The younger died of Diabetes our family calamity,
Half of my families now gone and the memories flood,
By a deadly diease that came to affect my mood.
I'm gonna tell you now about my eldest sister,
She recently moved out of state, boy how we miss her,
She can be tough but with a golden heart!
Keeps the family together if we begin to fall apart,
Ready to help out and be counted on for sure,
One to be told the truth when saying "listen to me mister"!
She's been that way from her very start!
Helping nurse her brother's during our times of pain,
If we are in need you can count on her to be there,
That style of hers comes without any fancy flare!
It comes from her Soul with only Heaven to gain,
I miss and Love them both Dearly with All of my Heart!
Time is more precious when we can still look back and reflect,
Memories play back like that favorite old song you can select,
Life plays it's own sad songs that we can not control or help direct.
My Prayer is for the Loving Strength you've shown us through strife,
And that you are Blessed with many more painless years in Life.