- Duck the buckby Iza Deleanu
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chapter 5 in the retirement saga
The Book of Retirement
: Duck the buck by Iza Deleanu
Dialogue Only Writing Contest contest entry

The book is retirement and the different aspects in how you can obtain this status before the official retirement date. The previous chapters are talking about affordable housing, dreams, problems

_ I want to retire when I am 55 years old. I worked enough for this country and it’s time for me to see some other universities. Don’t give me that look. You know I can afford this.

_ What about me, Hon? I came here in 2009. I don’t have any means to follow your dream.  Are you going to let me rot here? I gave you the best years of my life!

_ Of course not, but you need first to pay your debt. I don’t understand how you got 50 000 in debts from 2015 onwards? What the heck? Did you kill ten grand per year?

_ You know when I was laid off from that Oil and Gas company at the end of 2015, my income went down, but my life tyle… didn’t! Then I had to accept jobs that I loved but with shitty pay. And don’t forget that in March 2016 my dad got cancer and I had to help the family with the treatment. Then in October, your mom was visited by Mr. Cancer too. Do you remember all those trips we took to be with them? Europe is 15 hours away, but the plane tickets weren’t cheap. We did this sport for 5 years in a row… every summer until October 2019.

_ But I paid you back.

_ Yes, you did, 100 hundred every paycheque… and I was carrying the debt on my credit card… Did I complain?

_ No, you did not! But still 50 000?

_ Look my dad left us last October and your mom last January, I am not sorry for the money. I am happy that we created beautiful memories. They didn’t feel alone, and they enjoyed every and each of those trips in which we spent time together. Do you remember in the summer in 2016 my dad couldn’t even walk by himself? We took him to the seaside in Bulgaria, and he started walking and eating by himself.

_ Yeah, you are right. He even forgot his cane at the hotel when we left. So, I will make you a deal if I win the lottery I will pay off your debt.

_ And if not, what? Would you leave me behind with the kitties? Would you duck the buck?

_ Of course not! I need you and the kitties.

_ Really?

_ Yes, it will not be fun at all without you and the boys.

_ Ha, you need a secretary, don’t you? You need me to book your tickets and hotels?

_ That too, but we are a family, so we need to stick together.

_ You mean I stick, and you go.

_ What do you mean?

_ Well I will stick with the boys, and you are going to do your professor thing.

_ Yeah for a little bit, and you can do that pretentious writer thing.

_ O.K., Mr. you got yourself a deal. So, start playing.

_ I will start to duck that buck for that bad habit of travelling.

_ No, we can’t duck that buck, because I know this makes you happy and keeps you going on.

_ Just don’t say we will travel when you will win the lottery because I am going to go kamikaze on you!

_ No! I can’t afford this. We will go if we find good deals. Deal?

_ You bet! I really like your retirement plan, as long as we are together, and we will retire together. I feel like singing: “We are familyyyyy…

_ I got all my kitties with me!”


Author Notes
As usual thank you for reading and for your generous feedback and grammar corrections. This is chapter 5 form my Book of Retirement, which is a collection of short fiction stories about retirement.


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